| AWWA statement on Asian American Pacific Islander hate incidents
AWWA Articles

AWWA statement on Asian American Pacific Islander hate incidents

“The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is committed to advancing a culture of diversity and inclusion within our Association and the water sector. AWWA members are troubled by reports of increasing hate incidents -- including violence -- directed toward Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). Throughout the ongoing pandemic, AAPI people have been targets of cruel and unfair rhetoric. Unfortunately, racist attitudes and actions toward the AAPI community are not new, and historical, state-sanctioned injustices should never be forgotten. For example, in 1882 -- only one year after AWWA was founded -- the racist Chinese Exclusion Act specifically prevented Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States. More recently, Japanese Americans were stripped of their freedoms and sent to internment camps during World War II. We should never forget these and many other sad moments in our history, and they should drive us to unite against racism in all its forms. As an Association that draws its strength from a wonderfully diverse membership, we stand in solidarity with our AAPI members and look forward to a future where racism against AAPI people is extinguished forever.”

Melissa Elliott, AWWA President
Chi Ho Sham, AWWA President-Elect
Jim Williams, AWWA Past President
Uma Vempati, AWWA Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair
