Legislative Activities

AWWA on Capitol Hill

AWWA supports positive change by amplifying the voices of water supply professionals on Capitol Hill. Our advocacy supports AWWA’s mission by leveraging the knowledge and expertise of our members to inform federal decision making in Congress.

Get Involved

Every year, AWWA members from all 50 states converge on Washington, DC to meet with their members of Congress as part of the AWWA Fly-In. The Fly-In is an opportunity for water professionals to speak to decision makers in Congress about issues important to the water sector. The event also gives members of Congress the opportunity to hear directly from their constituents about issues that are top-of-mind in their district or state.

The 2025 AWWA Fly-In will be held in April in Washington, DC. Please contact your Section Chair if you are interested in participating.

Legislative Priorities in the 118th U.S. Congress

  • PFAS: Reduce the introduction of PFAS into water by controlling it at the source, and holding those responsible for contamination accountable while protecting passive receivers of PFAS.
  • Source Water Protection: Protect the nation’s water sources through both collaborative voluntary measures in the agriculture and forestry communities, as well as strategic use of the nation’s environmental laws for addressing other potential sources of contamination.
  • Cybersecurity: Secure the nation’s water systems through an effective co-regulatory model building off the successes in other sectors of the economy, and keeping known vulnerabilities private so they can be addressed instead of falling into the wrong hands.
  • Affordability: Help to address water affordability while keeping systems sustainable through by building a permanent low-income water bill assistance program.
  • Contact the team here.