Our Future

Students & Young Professionals

AWWA knows students and young professionals are the future of the water sector and deserve to feel empowered and equipped to become leaders in the sector. That is why, since 1881 we have supported our members with knowledge, guidance, and a great peer network.


Email Newsletters

AWWA’s Student and YP newsletter is a bi-monthly newsletter delivered to your inbox with relevant information about upcoming events, activities, and other topics of interest.


Offerings for Students & Young Professionals

Student and YP members have access to programs, resources, and other opportunities designed to support them as they explore and establish their career in water.

Student Chapters

AWWA Student Chapters are located on college and university campuses across the globe and are a benefit of student membership. Learn how to connect with existing chapters or start a chapter on your school’s campus. Plus – find tools and resources for your student chapter.


Learn More

HBCU Virtual Chapter

AWWA offers students that attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), resources that a student member of a student chapter would receive just by joining AWWA as a student member at $10 annually using code HBCU when signing up for membership.


HBCU Virtual Chapter

Volunteer Opportunities

Make a difference today. Did you know that AWWA has 250+ committees you can apply to be a part of? You can search our committees based on your interest.  Become part of the solution and apply today.

Volunteer Opportunities


Explore scholarship opportunities through the AWWA Scholarship Program, funded by Water Equation.

Learn More

Journals & Magazines

As a AWWA member you get free access to industry related articles, peer reviewed research, hot topics, and more to get ahead in your career or use in your research or projects.


Journals & Magazines

Career & Internships

As a AWWA member you get free access to industry related articles, peer reviewed research, hot topics, and more to get ahead in your career or use in your research or projects.


Career Center

Outstanding YP Award

Every year, AWWA recognizes five emerging leaders under 35 who have demonstrated outstanding service to their Section or the Association through leadership and active participation in AWWA YP programs.


Five Under 35 – Outstanding Young Professional Award

Young Professional Committee Members

The Young Professionals Committee is committed to actively pursuing the advancement of students and younger professionals in the water industry by outreaching to local Sections to promote younger members to take an active role in the association.

Meet the Committee

Section YP Committee Chairs

Are you a young professional? Do you want to learn what YP focused activities are happening in your local area?

Contact your local Section YP Chair to get involved and learn more.

YP Committee Chairs

Poster Competitions

AWWA offers multiple opportunities for students to participate at specialty conferences to show off their work to the industry experts while competing for cash prizes and the spotlight as the industry’s emerging leaders.


Poster Winners

Student Mentorship Program

Students have the opportunity to build a relationship with a water industry expert while exploring careers in water and association engagement.

Learn More

Student & YP Memberships

Become a Member Today

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Young Professionals Committee Members

The Young Professionals Committee is committed to actively pursuing the advancement of students and younger professionals in the water industry by outreaching to local sections to promote younger members to take an active role in the association.


Poster Competitions

Congratulations to our student poster winners that participated in Student Poster Competitions at ACE, WaterSmart, and WQTC.

ACE23 Poster Winner Lan Cheng Ribbon

Zahra Heydari

WQTC Poster Winner Laura Meteer

ACE24 Fresh Ideas Poster Competition

Congratulations to the 2024 winners:

  • 1st Place: Hatice Yildirim, South Carolina Section
  • 2nd Place: Kalani De Silva, Ontario Section
  • 3rd Place: Deandrah Cameron, New Jersey Section

See The Winners

2024 WaterSmart Innovations Student Poster Competition

Congratulations to the 2024 winners:

  • 1st Place: Zahra Heydari
  • 2nd Place: Nicole Martindale
  • 3rd Place: Anjali Asthagiri

See the Winners

2023 WQTC Student Poster Competition

Congratulations to the 2023 winners.
Presentation Winner: Kathryn Lopez
Poster Winners:

  • 1st Place: Laura Meteer
  • 2nd Place: Erin Bereyso
  • 3rd Place: Mohammad Mozaffari

See the Winners

Meet the Section YP Committee Chairs

Are you a young professional? Do you want to learn what YP focused activities are happening in your local area?

Contact your local Section YP Chair to get involved and learn more.



Ella Sartain, esartain@etec-sales.com | Co-Chair

Whiteny Shannon, whitney.shannon@jacobs.com | Co-Chair

Andrew Gallagher, agallagher@crweng.com | Chair

Katie Stowers, kstowers@hazenandsawyer.com | Chair

Jenny Mosburg, jmosburg@ca-nv-awwa.org | Co-Chair

Anika Young, awyoung@american-usa.com | Co-Chair

Jeff Lorencen, jlorencen@wrallp.com | Chair

Priyanka Sonone, psonone@ctwater.com | Co-Chair

Steven Ignatowich, sji@envpartners.com | Co-Chair

Emma Johnson, ejohnson@hazenandsawyer.com | Chair

Shannon Denise Black, sblack@haleyaldrich.com | Chair

Megan Fox, mfox@baxterwoodman.com | Co-Chair

Ryan Moeller, ryanmoeller1217@gmail.com | Co-Chair

Amanda White, awhite@greeley-hansen.com | Chair

Adam Jones, ajones1@brwncald.com | Co-Chair

Jeremy Kimpton, jkimpton4@gmail.com | Co-Chair

Adib Amini, amini4@wisc.edu | Chair

Jennifer Lynn Salvo, jlsalvo@garverusa.com | Chair

Scott McAmis, scott.mcamis@greshamsmith.com | Chair

Erika Ignace, erika@mi-water.org | Co-Chair

Ariana Wade, water.awade@gmail.com | Co-Chair

Rachel Zywiczynski, rzywiczynski@grand-rapids.mi.us | Co-Chair

Kallie Doeden, kdoeden@barr.com | Chair

Bridget Moore, MooreBG@bv.com | Chair

Alexander Ciessau, alexander.ciessau@ae2s.com| Chair

Abhijeet Saraf, Abhijeet.Saraf@hdrinc.com | Chair

Brittney Kovary, brittney.kovary@hdrinc.com | Co-Chair

Madelyn Anne Spinner, PE, madelyn.spinner@amwater.com | Co-Chair

Brittany Vanno, Brittany.Vanno@CityofRochester.gov | Chair

Chris Cornett, chrisco@vt.edu | Chair

Zachary Jacob Ranisate, Zac.Ranisate@ae2s.com | Chair

Dane Elliott, elliott.634@osu.edu | Chair

Cole Benak, cole.benak@cityofvancouver.us | Chair

Caitlin Cavanagh, caitlin.cavanagh@aecom.com | Chair

Makenzie Chesak, makenzie.chesak@kimley-horn.com | Chair

Anthony Todd Self, anthony.self@aecom.com | Chair

Kyla Diaz, kylad@bannerassociates.com | Chair

Jaycie Marie Howell, jaycie.howell@mcwaneductile.com | Chair

Michael McBee, michael.mcbee@freese.com | Chair

Hunter Ritchie, hunter@ritchieenvironmental.com | Chair

Paige Thewes, Paige.Thewes@amwater.com | Chair

Tianna Marie McCarthy, tmccarthy@cbssquaredinc.com | Co-Chair

Adam Dow, PE, adow@kenosha.org | Co-Chair


Andrew Burgess, andrewb@flowstarind.ca | Co-Chair

Helena Steeves, hsteeves@cbcl.ca | Co-Chair

Emily Bridgehouse, emilybridgehouse@gmail.com | Co-Chair

Gluzen Ramos, gluzen.ramos@york.ca | Co-Chair


Student Member Policy

  • A degree-seeking individual attending an accredited educational institution enrolled in the number of hours required by the institution for half-time or full-time status.
  • A student Membership will be capped at six years, followed by a gradual and defined transition plan to Individual Membership.
  • An Individual Member of any other class may convert to Student Membership if he/she meets the enrollment eligibility requirements.
  • A Student Member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges approved by the Board of Directors for this membership classification.



Student Mentorship Program

Join AWWA in this new experience where students and industry leaders are paired to take engagement integration one step further within the community that AWWA is.  Students have the opportunity to build a relationship with a water industry expert while exploring careers in water and association engagement.

Students & Mentors are paired at the beginning of each session with the intention to accomplish a set goal that they set as a team.  Whether that goal is to learn more about various careers in water, improve upon a skill, figure out what skill you want to add to your resume, further your knowledge about a particular topic in water, or whatever, you will meet at least once a month to gain guidance from you mentor to accomplish that goal.


  • Must be an active student from a University/College/Community College
  • Must be an AWWA Student Member by the beginning of the program

Applications for Fall semester will open August 11, 2025.

Continue Your Journey



Learn about AWWA's history and continued vision dedicated to a better world through better water.


Find Your Section

Connect with your colleagues and have an impact in your community.


Attend an Event

Register for an AWWA event, conference, seminar, or webinar.