
Program resources ensure accurate data reporting
The Partnership for Safe Water is a self-assessment program that assists in the optimization of water treatment plant and distribution system performance. Program resources are available to help with data collection and reporting — and for completing the program’s four phases. Follow the steps below to apply and begin the optimization process — and earn one of the Partnership’s prestigious awards.
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Requirement for the Treatment Program
Requirements for the treatment program follow the steps below, which include procedures for data collection and reporting. Apply and learn more about these steps and Partnership for Safe Water awards by accessing the categories below. Click on each step to expand the menu and learn more about program requirements
Step 1: Apply for Membership
Apply for membership by completing the online application form for the utility and the plants you wish to have participate. Participation is open to all surface water filtration plants, regardless of size and process configuration. Annual fees are based on population and carry a low annual rate to encourage participation by utilities of all sizes.
Step 2: Review Requirements
Find out what is involved in the Phase II program and the requirements that subscribers follow to be part of the Partnership for Safe Water. Specific report guidelines, checklists and guidance are provided to Partnership subscribers.
Baseline Report. Systems new to the Partnership submit an initial Baseline Report of water quality. An example Baseline Report, typically submitted in letter format, is provided below.
Annual Reports. All systems with continued participation in the Partnership for Safe Water submit data reports on an annual basis for inclusion in the Partnership’s annual report of aggregate water quality data. An example Annual Report is provided below. Annual reports are due in June.
Regulatory Compliance Policy. Utilities enrolled in the Partnership for Safe Water must be in full compliance with applicable health-based regulations for at least the preceding six months. A signature is required on the treatment application to indicate that the plant(s) you are enrolling satisfy this requirement and that you agree to notify the Partnership within one month of receiving a notice of violation.
Step 3: Learn About Directors Awards
Phase III Directors Awards recognize utilities that produce high-quality water, have completed a comprehensive treatment plant self-assessment, and submit a self-assessment completion report, which features an action plan for continuous improvement. Learn more about Directors Award guidelines, requirements, and resources below.
Basis. Are you ready to take the next step toward treatment plant optimization?
Learn about the basis for achieving the Directors Award (PDF)
Checklist. Learn about the Phase III self-assessment report requirements by reviewing the Self-Assessment Completion Report Checklist.
Access the Updated Phase III Checklist
Partnership Resources. Utilize the self-assessment completion report template as a guide and framework for the Phase III self-assessment completion report. Respond to the template questions and provide supporting information to make it easy to complete and submit the self-assessment completion report. Use of the template is strongly encouraged, to simplify the report creation process. Completed reports are reviewed by a committee of select water utility optimization experts.
Download the self-assessment template (PDF). Note that for Chapter 4, plants are only required to address the questions related to treatment processes utilized at the facility.
Software. The Partnership provides software to members that enables plants to compile and statistically analyze turbidity data for annual submission. A separate Excel-based software program assists plants with assessing current treatment process capacity and potential. Read more about Partnership software programs in the user guides.
Software User Guide – Turbidity Data Collection (PDF)
Software User Guide – Process Performance Assessment (PDF)
Annual Reports. Phase III Directors Award recipients are committed to continuous improvement of plant performance. Participants submit annual reports of turbidity data and a narrative describing the ways that the plant is working towards optimization. Long-term compliance makes plants eligible for five, 10, and 15-year Directors Award recognition.
Requirement for the Distribution Program
The Partnership for Safe Water’s distribution program helps systems optimize their operations with minimal capital investment. Apply and follow the steps below to learn about the program’s requirements and reporting, as well as the awards program.
Step 1: Apply for Membership
Subscribe to the Partnership for Safe Water by completing the online form for the utility distribution system you will have participate. Dues are based on population and carry a manageable and low annual rate to encourage participation by utilities of all sizes.
Step 2: Review Requirements
Phase II Baseline and Annual Data Collection and Submission Requirements.
Baseline and annual reporting of distribution system disinfectant data is required for all Phase II systems. Specific report guidelines, checklists, software and guidance are provided to Partnership for Safe Water subscribers.
Baseline report. Systems new to the Partnership for Safe Water submit an initial Baseline Report of distribution system disinfectant residual concentrations. This report also includes a cover letter and a statement of regulatory compliance.
Annual reports. All systems with continued participation in the Partnership for Safe Water submit data reports on an annual basis for inclusion in the Partnership’s annual report of aggregate distribution system water quality data. Learn about program guidelines below.
Regulatory compliance policy. Utilities enrolled in the Partnership for Safe Water must be in full compliance with applicable health-based regulations that apply to the water distribution system for at least the preceding six months. A signature is required on the distribution program application to indicate that the distribution system(s) you are enrolling satisfies this requirement and that you agree to notify the Partnership within one month of receiving a notice of violation.
Step 3: Learn about Phase III Directors Awards
The Phase III Directors Award recognizes utilities that have completed a comprehensive distribution system self-assessment report. The self-assessment process incorporates data collection and an evaluation of the distribution system that identifies system strengths and areas for potential improvement. Phase III systems gain valuable knowledge about their distribution systems and create an action plan for continuous improvement. Reports submitted are reviewed by a team of industry experts. A pilot group of utilities is currently completing a trial of the Phase III Self-Assessment process.
To gain a better understanding of what is required to be included in a Phase III Completion Report and what’s considered when approving the Phase III Directors Award, follow the links below to learn how utilities prioritize and focus their report and access the checklist to better understand report elements:
* Prior to beginning a Phase III self-assessment, please contact Partnership at or call 303.347.6207
** Note about developing the self-assessment process and report:
It is very important to note that Phase III is a process that focuses on active participation of as many utility staff as possible to conduct a thorough and candid self-assessment. The ultimate goal is identification of factors limiting optimal performance; and, development of associated action plans to feasibly address these performance limiting factors in a timely fashion. This report is provided because it is an excellent example of the outputs and outcomes of the previously described self-assessment process; however, it is not intended to provide an example of optimal distribution system operational procedures or modes of operation.
Phase III Self Assessment: The Self-Assessment Guide for Distribution System Optimization is available for purchase and is a valuable resource for utilities considering undertaking a self-assessment of their distribution system to learn more about their system and make them eligible for Phase III award status.
Step 4: Optimize Distribution Systems
The Phase IV Partnership for Safe Water Awards recognize utilities that have achieved the highest levels of optimization and water quality in their distribution systems. A distribution system must hold Phase III Director’s Award status to apply for Phase IV awards.
Utilities achieving Phase IV status represent some of the most optimized distribution systems in North America that produce extremely high quality drinking water and are committed to maintaining the highest levels of optimization.