Partnership for Safe Water

Subscribe to the Partnership for Safe Distribution Subscription


Partnership for Safe Water

Partnership for Safe Distribution Subscription

Partnership for Safe Distribution subscribers are utilities that operate a distribution system that applies disinfectant to maintain a residual.

Note: Please provide an exact spelling for the utility and plant names, as these will be engraved on the Partnership awards upon achievement.

Partnership For Safe Distribution Subscription Final


Primary Contact Information

Primary Contact Address

Primary Contact Address

(if different from utility address)

CEO/General Mgr/VP/Executive Director

CEO/GM/VP/Exec Director Address

CEO/GM/VP/Exec Director Address

(if different from utility address)


Additional Plants

How did you hear about the Partnership for Safe Water?

Disinfectant Requirement

Utility members participating in this program must be a community water system that operates a distribution system and must apply an approved disinfectant to maintain a residual. Please check the box below to confirm your system satisfies these requirements.

Regulatory Compliance

Utilities enrolled in the Partnership for Safe Water must be in full compliance with applicable health based regulations that apply to the Water Distribution Systems for at least the preceding 6 months. Please check the box below to confirm that the Distribution System(s) you are enrolling satisfies this requirement and that you agree to nofity the Partnership within one month of receiving a notice of violation.