Pricing of water services for customers should be an accurate representation of the cost of providing safe water to consumers, maintain infrastructure and plan for future infrastructure replacement needs.
Implementing public education plans on water sector operations and costs can help to maintain customer satisfaction and help water utilities meet essential infrastructure needs.
Five leading water associations urge Congress to create a low-income water assistance program
The American Water Works Association (AWWA), Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA), National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) and Water Environment Federation (WEF) unveiled formal policy recommendations to Congress and the White House to establish a permanent federal low-income water assistance program.
As part of their recommendations, the groups released also released a detailed analysis, “Low-Income Water Customer Assistance Program (LIWCAP) Assessment Study,” which establishes that water affordability is a significant challenge for 20 million U.S. households and puts the annual need for federal funding to address this challenge as high as $7.9 billion.
New affordability document aims to better address affordability in Safe Drinking Water Act Rulemakings
This expert panel led report, facilitated by AWWA, discussed the methods that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) could perform analysis of household-level affordability when making regulatory decisions.
The expert panel recommended EPA expand its analysis of household-level affordability when performing economic analyses supporting future primary regulatory development under SDWA. Among the suggested changes is to move away from using Median Household Income (MHI) as the sole metric in assessing the impacts of the regulatory structure on affordability and focus more on impacts to households in the lowest 20 percent of income (lowest quintile).
Technical Resources
Thinking Outside the Bill: A New Guide to Affordability and Customer Service
Read the Report
Assessing the Affordability of Federal Water Mandates
Read the Report
Developing New Framework for Affordability Report
Read the Report
2019 Water Utility Manager’s Guide to Community Stewardship
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Water 2050 Economics Think Tank Report
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M1 Principles of Water Rates, Fees, and Charges
Your authoritative resource on water rates, fees, and charges.
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M29 Water Utility Capital Financing
Planning and obtaining financing for water utility capital projects. This edition addresses both traditional and innovative utility financing alternatives to meet both short-and long-term capital requirements.
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M54 Developing Rates for Small Systems
Best practices for setting rates, fees, and charges, especially for water utilities serving up to 10,000 population.
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