Lead and Copper
Topical Collection on Lead and Copper
The water industry has learned much about managing lead and copper in drinking water, yet research on lead and copper in potable water systems and their effects on human health continues to reveal new discoveries. As our understanding of the health effects of lead and copper exposure evolves, best practices and regulations related to these raw materials also evolve. In the United States, recent revisions to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead and Copper Rule are meant to eliminate high levels of lead and copper in water systems. These regulatory actions and utility experiences impelled AWWA to compile articles from its publications to provide sound approaches and novel research that address lead and copper in drinking water. By curating this collection, AWWA provides timely information and relevant, important research to help water professionals protect public health and provide safe water.
Contributions in this collection are from AWWA’s publications:
- Journal AWWA: Guidance from thought and practice leaders in the water industry
- Opflow: How-to articles and case studies on water treatment and distribution, primarily for water system operators
- AWWA Water Science: Original, peer-reviewed research on the science, engineering, and social aspects of water
- AWWA’s manuals and standards: Consensus documents focused on providing strategies and steps for water system optimization, from treatment to distribution
This topical collection relied on skilled experts serving as guest editors, and it also received extensive feedback from several AWWA volunteer groups—in particular, AWWA’s Lead in Water Subcommittee and the Copper in Water Subcommittee. As new articles are published throughout 2022 and 2023, relevant resources will be added to the collection. AWWA wishes to thank those who contributed to this effort and especially to the authors of the works in the collection.
Water professionals are committed to protecting their communities today as we work for a future in which lead is no longer in contact with drinking water and copper contamination is no longer a concern. This is a tremendous and necessary undertaking, and many utilities are already advancing this goal and serve as excellent models for others. AWWA looks forward to helping water professionals and their partners find collaborative ways to overcome barriers to the lead and copper management challenges facing communities around the world.
Topical Collection Articles
AWWA has aimed to make the collection available early enough to give utilities time to digest the information and put any new approaches in place ahead of regulatory deadlines. To this end, this topical collection focuses on the following areas:
Regulations and Compliance Sampling
LCRR Compliance Involves More Than Lead Service Lines (Journal AWWA, March 2022)
Effective Point-of-Use Filtration for Lead Removal (Journal AWWA, January/February 2022)
Prepare to Comply With the Revised Lead and Copper Rule (Opflow, May 2021)
Examining the Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Trigger Level (Journal AWWA, November 2020)
Lead in Drinking Water: A Canadian Perspective (Journal AWWA, May 2020)
Lead and Copper Rule: More Than Meets the Eye (Journal AWWA, December 2019)
Reflections on the Lead and Copper Rule and Lead Levels in Flint’s Water (Journal AWWA, September 2019)
How Have We Done in Reducing Lead in Water Since the LCR? (Journal AWWA, October 2018)
Fine-Tune System Operations for Lead and Copper Rule Compliance (Opflow, February 2018)
Lead Water Service Lines: Extensive Sampling and Field Protocol Protect Public Health (Journal AWWA , January 2017)
Lead in Drinking Water: Past, Present, and Future (Opflow, December 2017)
The Flint Crisis (Journal AWWA , July 2016)
Copper Corrosion Under the Lead and Copper Rule Long-Term Revisions (Journal AWWA, April 2016)
National Survey of Lead Service Line Occurrence (Journal AWWA, April 2016)
Controlling Lead and Copper Rule Water Quality Parameters (Journal AWWA, February 2015)
Importance of Pipe Deposits to Lead and Copper Rule Compliance (Journal AWWA, July 2014)
Lead Chemistry
Lead Pipe and Lead–Tin Solder Scale Formation and Structure: A Conceptual Model (AWWA Water Science, September/October 2021)
Updating Lead and Copper Rule Sample-Site Selection: Best Practices From an Innovative Pilot Program (Journal AWWA, April 2020)
Water Quality–Pipe Deposit Relationships in Midwestern Lead Pipes (AWWA Water Science, March/April 2019)
Manage Water Quality to Control Lead in Drinking Water (Opflow, January 2018)
Identify Lead Plumbing Sources to Protect Public Health (Opflow, March 2018)
Quantifying Lead-Leaching Potential From Plumbing Exposed to Aggressive Waters (Journal AWWA, September 2016)
Copper Deposition Corrosion Elevates Lead Release to Potable Water (Journal AWWA, November 2015)
Effect of Connection Methods on Lead Release From Galvanic Corrosion (Journal AWWA, July 2013)
Role of Chlorine and Chloramine in Corrosion of Lead-Bearing Plumbing Materials (Journal AWWA, October 2004)
Lead Service Line Management
Halifax Water’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program Gets the Lead Out (Journal AWWA, March 2022)
Service Line Material Identification: Experiences From North American Water Systems (Journal AWWA, January/February 2022)
Lead Service Line Identification: A Review of Strategies and Approaches (AWWA Water Science, May/June 2021)
Developing and Verifying a Water Service Line Inventory (Journal AWWA, April 2021)
Detroit’s Robust Full Lead Service Line Replacement Program (Journal AWWA, October 2020)
Safety and Affordability Are Vital for Lead Service Line Replacement (Opflow, August 2020)
AWWA Standard C810-17: An Important Tool for Utilities in Reducing Exposure to Lead in Water (Journal AWWA, October 2018)
AWWA C810-17, Replacement and Flushing of Lead Service Lines (AWWA Standard, November 2017)
Get the Lead Out! (Opflow, July 2016)
Utility Adopts a Complete Lead Service Line Replacement Strategy (Opflow, August 2016)
High-Velocity Household and Service Line Flushing Following LSL Replacement (Journal AWWA, March 2015)
Lead Evaluation, Assessment Tools, and Corrosion Control Guidance
New Developments in Premise Plumbing: Integrative Hydraulic and Water Quality Modeling (AWWA Water Science, March/April 2022)
A Holistic Approach to Lead Pipe Scale Analysis: Importance, Methodology, and Limitations (AWWA Water Science, March/April 2022)
Consider the Pros and Cons of Corrosion Testing Methods (Opflow, June 2021)
Harvesting Distribution Service Lines and Premise Plumbing for Corrosion Control Studies (Opflow, October 2021)
Evolving Utility Practices and Experiences With Corrosion Control (Journal AWWA, July 2020)
Creating an Effective Corrosion Control Program to Eliminate Lead in Drinking Water in Hamilton, Ontario (Journal AWWA, October 2019)
Coupon Procedures for Evaluating Lead and Copper Solubility (Journal AWWA, October, 2019)
Utilities Lead the Way in Lead Corrosion Control (Opflow, May 2018)
Impacts of Source Water Blending on Lead Release (Journal AWWA, October 2018)
Scale Formation Under Blended Phosphate Treatment for a Utility With Lead Pipes (Journal AWWA, November 2017)
Replacing Polyphosphate With Silicate to Solve Lead, Copper, and Source Water Iron Problems (Journal AWWA, November 2005)
Comparison of Coupon and Pipe Rack Studies for Selecting Corrosion Control Treatment (AWWA Water Science, July/August 2022)
Copper Chemistry
Full Factorial Study of Pipe Characteristics, Stagnation Times, and Water Quality (AWWA Water Science, September/October 2020)
A Model for Estimating the Impact of Orthophosphate on Copper in Water (Journal AWWA, October 2018)
Committee Summary Report: Corrosion Testing for Lead-Free Copper Alloys Used for Drinking Water Applications in Underground Environments (Journal AWWA, December 2018)
Copper Pitting in Chlorinated, High‐pH Potable Water (Journal AWWA, March 2011)
Pitting Corrosion of Copper in Waters With High pH and Low Alkalinity (Journal AWWA, March 2008)
Alkalinity, pH, and Copper Corrosion By‐Product Release (Journal AWWA, March 1996)
Copper Evaluation and Assessment Tools
School and Childcare Center Drinking Water: Copper Chemistry, Health Effects, Occurrence, and Remediation (AWWA Water Science, March/April 2022)
Colorado’s Bench-Scale Lead and Copper Corrosion Testing Protocol (Journal AWWA, June 2021)
How to Prevent Copper Corrosion in Drinking Water Pipes (Opflow, September 2021)
Understanding Copper Pitting in Drinking Water Pipes (Opflow, October 2021)
A 30-Year Review of Copper Pitting Corrosion and Pinhole Leaks: Achievements and Research Gaps (AWWA Water Science, March/April 2021)
Pre- and Post-Flushing of Three Schools in Arizona Due to COVID-19 Shutdown (AWWA Water Science, September/October 2021)
The Blue Water Phenomenon (Journal AWWA, July 2000)
M58, Internal Corrosion Control in Water Distribution Systems, Second Edition (AWWA Manual, May 2017)
Lead and Copper Communications
My Private Lead Service Line (Journal AWWA, January/February 2021)
Central Arkansas Water’s Lead Service Line Replacement Program: Investigation, Communication, Implementation (Journal AWWA, April 2020)
Using Online Tools to Publicize Lead Service Line Locations and Promote Replacement (AWWA Water Science, January/February 2019)
Reflections on the Lead and Copper Rule and Lead Levels in Flint’s Water (Journal AWWA, September 2019)
Transparent Communication Builds Trust Regarding Lead in Drinking Water (Opflow, November 2018)
Lead Communication: It’s Not What You Say but How You Say It (Opflow, April 2018)
Lessons Learned From Helping Schools Manage Lead in Drinking Water to Protect Children’s Health (Journal AWWA, October 2018)
Customer Service Drives Quest for a Lead-Safe City (Opflow, September 2016)