Benchmarking survey a proven tool for long-term utility success
January 24, 2024

AWWA Articles
Benchmarking survey a proven tool for long-term utility success
For the past 20 years, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) has conducted its Utility Benchmarking Survey to help water systems identify areas of improvement, develop impactful goals, and understand performance relative to peers. The 2024 Survey is open through April 5.
Offered at no-cost, the program leverages a system of well-defined, time-tested performance indicators specific to water and wastewater systems. Survey participants receive a free customized report to help them prioritize areas for improvement, establish strategic goals and initiatives, and maintain accountability with stakeholders. All individual utility data remains confidential.
“Participating in the benchmarking program and comparing our performance to our industry peers helps us focus our process improvement efforts through informed, data-driven decision making, allowing us to have greater community impact,” said Igor Lugonja, technical services manager with the City of St. Petersburg, Florida, and chair of AWWA’s Utility Benchmarking Advisory Committee.
What’s new in 2024?
This year’s survey includes affordability measures that examine both household and community levels, as well as a service affordability measure (% of medium household income). Many utilities are working to more clearly understand the impact their water/wastewater charges have on their residential customers’ cost of living.
The 2024 survey simplifies the reporting process for utilities and better aligns affordability measures with other water sector associations. More information is available at the Benchmarking website.
The survey also includes questions about Effective Utility Management (EUM) practices. This provides a comprehensive assessment of utility operations and allows utilities to understand their performance relative to peers and the industry.
“We have leveraged the Benchmarking Survey data to better understand how we are performing in the EUM Ten Attributes compared to our peers,” said Susan Lander, controller with Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority. “The EUM framework provides another lens of our performance and a 360-degree view of utility service delivery.”
The 2024 Survey will show if utilities are making progress in EUC practices compared to 2023.
The Utility Benchmarking Advisory Committee advises AWWA on changes to the survey in order to stay current with water sector trends, topics and issues. Information about participating on the committee is available through Frank Roth, Benchmarking Program manager.