Connections Article

AWWA board opening presents opportunity to broaden perspectives

July 26, 2023


AWWA Articles

AWWA board opening presents opportunity to broaden perspectives

An upcoming opening for a director at large on the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) board of directors presents an opportunity to advance broader perspectives in leadership within the Association. The online application, due Aug. 15, is available here.

Current and past AWWA directors at large, from left, Mary Gugliuzza, Michelle Stockness, Ari Copeland and Cheryl PorterAWWA’s board includes four directors at large (DAL), one of which is held by a service provider volunteer. Each DAL is elected to a three-year term to represent AWWA members and provide oversight and direction for AWWA’s activities and operations. In support of AWWA’s 2025 Strategic Plan, which includes a core principle of advancing diversity and inclusion, the DAL positions are intended to include historically and underrepresented demographic groups, as well as geographic and professional diversity.

Among current and former DALs are, pictured from left, Mary Gugliuzza, Michelle Stockness, Ari Copeland and Cheryl Porter.

“Cheryl, Mary, Ari and I ran for director at large positions with the support of our employers and AWWA sections and we encourage any interested members to put their name in and run for this role, too,” said Stockness. “We felt like we could give back to AWWA with our leadership and perspectives, and you can too! It has been a wonderful experience for us, and we are looking for your voice and perspective on the AWWA board.”

Stockness just completed a term as vice president and Porter is president-elect. Current DALs are Amy Stoffer, Jeff Zdrojewski, Gugliuzza and Copeland. In addition, Gugliuzza and Copeland are now AWWA vice presidents.

The election to fill 2024-25 openings for the AWWA board will be held during the Board of Directors’ winter meeting in January 2024, with new terms beginning at the conclusion of ACE24. The board is comprised of five presidential officers, 45 Section directors, four DALs, six Council chairs, three Young Professional advisors and one Water Research Foundation chair.

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