“5 Under 35” award showcases outstanding water sector Young Professionals
June 6, 2023

AWWA Articles
“5 Under 35” award showcases outstanding water sector Young Professionals
Five Young Professional members of the American Water Works Association were honored as the 2023 “5 Under 35” during today’s opening session at ACE23. Below, they summarize their key recommendation for ensuring a sustainable path to Water 2050.
Jenny Doyle, Missouri Section
- Senior Civil Engineer, PE, City of Glendale, Arizona Water Services
- Member, AWWA Member Engagement and Development Committee
- Past Chair, Chair, Trustee, Missouri Section
- Section Conference Technical Program; Section Member Engagement Committee Section Young Professionals Committee; Section Water Equation Committee
- B.S. and M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Arkansas
“Our continued success in this industry relies on advocating for the true value of water and building a diverse portfolio of professionals to tackle the challenges ahead. When we recognize the value of water, we’ll be able to work together to protect our natural resources while utilizing innovative, technology forward solutions.”
Clayton Freed, Arizona Section
- Civil Engineer III Team Leader, PE, City of Phoenix Water Services
- Member, Water Utility Council
- Past Chair, Section Conference Committee, YP Committee, and Education Council
- Member, Section Water Treatment Committee
- B.S., Environmental Engineering, New Mexico Tech
“The water industry’s future is being decided today by how we as water professionals decide to share our passion for water with others. Every job applicant, new employee, coworker, friend, student, stakeholder, and customer we interact with has the potential to shape the narrative about our industry when we are no longer part of it.”
Nicole Holloway, Southwest Section
- Laboratory Supervisor, Beaver Water District, Lowell, Arkansas
- Co-Chair, AWWA Manual Committee, M12, Simplified Procedures for Water Examination
- Co-Chair, Water Quality Laboratory Committee
- Member, AWWA Aesthetic Quality & Perception
- Past Chair, Section YP Committee, Past Co-Chair, Section Conference Local Host
- Board Member, SW Section AWWA
- B.S., Chemistry, Missouri State University; M.S., Environmental Science, University of Idaho
“As laboratory supervisor, I believe we should continue to improve upon scientific communication pertaining to water. To gain buy-in and trust from industry professionals and our communities alike when pursuing infrastructure and technology improvements, it is important that our messaging is united and understandable at all levels.”
Lawrence Latour, Virginia Section
- Water Resources Engineer, PE, Town of Herndon, Virginia
- Member, Young Professional Committee 2017-2023
- Past Vice-Chair, Young Professional Committee
- Member, Water Landmarks Award Committee
- Past Summit Chair, YP Summit Conference 2021 and 2020
- Past Summit Vice-Chair, YP Summit Conference 2019
- Past Summit Program Chair, YP Summit Conference 2018
- Past chair, Chesapeake Section YP Committee
- B.S., Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware
“The Water Sector is facing significant impacts from an aging workforce. We must reinvigorate our industry by engaging, educating and training future generations of water professionals. Future leaders of Water 2050 have not entered the workforce.”
Susan Mukai, Hawaii Section
- Senior Principal Engineer, PE, Brown and Caldwell, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Secretary, Hawaii Section
- Past Co-Chair, Section Workshops Committee
- Past Trustee, Section Annual Conference
- Past Chair, Section Newsletter Committee
- Past Chair, Section YP Committee
- B.S. and M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Southern California
“In order to ensure a sustainable water sector by 2050, we need to approach climate change with a One Water perspective to ensure that utilities and agencies collaborate in the development of adaptive and mitigative strategies while also engaging the community to ensure there is equity in the decisions that are made.”