Water Taste Test Winners

This Year’s Winners

Water Taste Test Winners

AWWA holds two water tests at its Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE). The “Best of the Best” Water Taste Test is comprised of regional AWWA section winners of water taste competitions. A panel of esteemed judges rates each water sample on its flavor characteristics. The “People’s Choice” award winner is determined by the conference attendees.

2024 Recipients

Best of the Best:
First Place: City of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Canada Section
Second Place: New Jersey American Water, Camden, NJ
Third Place: Northeast Sammamish Sewer & Water District, Sammamish, WA, Pacific Northwest Section

People’s Choice:
First Place: City of Janesville Water Utility, Wisconsin Section
Second Place: City of Fargo Water Treatment Plant, North Dakota Section
Third Place: Prince William County Service Authority, Virginia Section

Entry Information

Past Recipients

Best of the Best

City of Miramichi, NB

WaterOne, Kansas City, KS

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, Boston, MA

Town of the Blue Mountains, Thornbury, ON

Alderwood Water and Wastewater District, Lynnwood, WA

City of Greeley, Greeley, CO

The City of Bloomington, Bloomington, MN

Big Sky County Water & Sewer District, Big Sky, MT

Boston Water & Sewer Commission, Boston, MA

Oklahoma City Water & Wastewater, Oklahoma City, OK

City of Fremont, Fremont, NE

The Greenville Water System, Greenville, SC

Stevens Point Water Department, Stevens Point, WI

Macon Water, Macon, GA

Louisville Water Company, Louisville, KY

Oklahoma City Water & Wastewater, Oklahoma City, OK

Illinois American Water, Champaign, IL

Illinois American Water, Champaign, IL

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Past Recipients

People’s Choice

City of Emporia, Emporia, KS

WaterOne, Kansas City, KS

The contest was not held due to the coronavirus.

The contest was not held due to the coronavirus.

EPCOR, Edmonton, AB

City of Hamilton, OH, Hamilton, OH

City of Greeley, Greeley, CO

City Corporation, Russellville, Ark.

Champlain Water District, South Burlington, VT

City of Kalama, WA, Kalama, WA

Louisville Water Company, Louisville, KY


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