Technical & Educational Council (TEC)

The mission of the Technical and Educational Council (TEC) is to provide technical and educational resources to effectively manage water, the world’s most vital resource.

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Technical & Educational Council (TEC)

About the TEC

The TEC is responsible for advancing AWWA activities in design, construction, operation and management of utilities providing water, wastewater, reuse, and/or stormwater services except in matters of standards and legislation. The TEC accomplishes this by coordinating the development of educational programs and guidance materials through its eight divisions and their many committees.

Technology Think Tank Speakers

Photography by Kingmond Young Photography and Video

TEC Committees

TEC Committees

TEC Committees consist of students, young professionals, and experts in a particular subject area working to advance the goals and objectives of the TEC and the Association. Committees are responsible for and play a vital role in the development of technical and educational content for the Association in the following areas:

AWWA Manuals of Practice
AWWA Conference Programming
Policy statements
JAWWA, AWWA Water Science, and Opflow Articles or columns
eLearning Courses
TEC Projects
Water 2050 Initiative

An Interactive Guide to TEC Committees

TEC Awards

The TEC proudly manages several annual awards that honor exceptional achievements in the water field and committee contributions. These awards recognize outstanding research and contributions, including the prestigious A.P. Black Research Award, the best publications in JAWWAAWWA Water Science, and Opflow, source water protection efforts, service to the eight divisions, and academic research through the Academic Achievement Award, and Academic Research Scholarships.

TEC Members

TEC Newsletters


July 2024

AWWA Technical & Educational Council 2024


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