AWWA Standards Online


Gain easy access to AWWA Standards online through envoi, a comprehensive online library for AWWA technical content. To access the envoi platform, individual AWWA members must be employed at an active AWWA Utility or Service Provider member. Learn more about the benefits of envoi and check your access below.




Envoi Video
Online Technical Content

Easy Access to Standards & Manuals

What is envoi? envoi is a comprehensive library for online technical content, making it the go-to source for information on all things water. envoi replaces the AWWA standards CD benefit of your organization membership and provides access to 190+ current ANSI-accredited AWWA standards online. Reach out to with any questions.

Access to AWWA Standards, a comprehensive online library for AWWA technical content.

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Access Technical Content

Find standards, technical reports, and conference proceedings through envoi. Manuals and historic standards are available to add.

AWWA Standards

190+ ANSI-Accredited Standards

AWWA Standards are consensus- documents created by volunteer committees and accredited by ANSI. They offer minimum requirement guidelines on all facets of water.

Standards are available on envoi for individual AWWA members that are employed at an active AWWA Utility or Service Provider member.

Learn more about standards

Technical Reports

Expert-Crafted Technical Reports

AWWA creates a variety of technical reports on the most important topics in water to provide you with the thought leadership and knowledge you need for your day-to-day work.

Technical reports are available on envoi to all AWWA members. You will need a valid login to access.

Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings

Nearly 6,000 Conference Proceedings
Abstracts and presentations from 2015 through present-day are available. They cover the most current industry topics, issues, and trends from AWWA in-person events.

Manuals of Practice

60+ Manuals of Practice

AWWA Manuals of Practice are consensus documents written and reviewed by expert volunteers. They provide strategies and steps for water system optimization.
Learn more about manuals of practice

The complete set of Manuals is available for AWWA member organizations and their employees. It can be added to your envoi subscription – contact us for pricing and to purchase.

Historic Standards

Historic AWWA Standards

Access all the historic versions of AWWA standards in one complete package as an invaluable add-on to you Current AWWA Standards subscription.

All historic standards are available for AWWA member organizations and their employees. It can be added to your envoi subscription – contact us for pricing and to purchase. Adding historic standards to your subscription allows you to use the redline feature so you can compare different versions of standards side by side.

USG Water


Trending Standards on envoi


AWWA C651 Disinfecting Water Mains



AWWA C652 Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities



AWWA D102 Coating Steel Water-Storage Tanks



AWWA A100 Water Wells Standard



Work Smarter with Powerful Collaboration Tools

Always have access to the most recent version of a document

Share notes and annotations with coworkers

Bookmark frequently visited documents

Link related documents together

Compare multiple versions to see what’s changed

Track changes in both active and historical versions

Download documents as PDFs for offline use

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General Questions

What is envoi?

envoi is an online platform for accessing AWWA standards, manuals, and technical documents electronically. This digital platform allows users to quickly and easily search and browse for information.

Who is ASTM and how are they involved?

ASTM is a non-profit standards development organization like AWWA. We have partnered with them to utilize their platform technologies for development and delivery of envoi. They provide the technical support and infrastructure for envoi.

What content is available through envoi?

ANSI-Accredited AWWA Standards are available on envoi. Manuals of Practice and historical standards are also available on envoi and can be added to your subscription.

Technical reports and conference proceedings are also available on envoi.

Who do I contact with additional questions?

Contact with your questions.


Questions About Features

How do I know when changes have occurred to a document?

When you are on the page of the document you would like to track, turn on the “Track” toggle, and go to “Manage Tracking”.

How can I make notes and attach files within the documents?

Use the “Annotate” button to save a note. Highlight the content you want to make a note about, enter your note, attach your file if applicable, and click on “Save”.

How does the search feature work?

You can search by topic, designation, category, and date range. You can also browse according to document titles, and you can search for keywords within a document.

Can I download a document to read offline?

Yes. You can click on the “Download” button to download a PDF.


Membership & Subscription Questions

What can Organizational Members access on envoi?

Utility* and Service Provider members receive access to all current AWWA Standards as a benefit of their membership.

*Small System Utility members (grade 80) do not receive Standards as a member benefit.

Is envoi a benefit of my membership?

All individual members employed by an active AWWA Utility* or Service Provider member can access the platform. Contact us if you need help with you membership or join today to gain access.

*Small System Utility members (grade 80) do not receive Standards as a member benefit.

If my company is a member how can I access envoi?

You can access envoi by logging into your personal account (AWWA does not provide a group account for your organization — all access is through individual accounts). Contact our team if you need help logging into your membership, or connecting it with your employer.

Will our organization still get Standards on CD?

envoi replaces the standards on CD benefit of your organizational membership. Using envoi allows you to access the most current standards as they become available.

How do I purchase a subscription to envoi?

envoi subscriptions are currently only available to Organizational Members. To access envoi, have your organization consider joining AWWA. If you are already a member, consider upgrading your subscription to include the complete set of Manuals of Practice and Historic Standards.

When will I be able to purchase a subscription?

You can purchase a subscription to the complete set of Manuals of Practice and Historic Standards by contacting us today.

Video Support

Welcome to envoi video

Welcome To envoi


How To Search

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Using Redlines

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Using Annotations

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