Celebrating 50 Years of Safe Drinking Water Act

Celebrating 50 Years of Safe Drinking Water Act
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was signed into law on December 16, 1974, which makes 2024 the 50th anniversary of the original statute. In honor of 50 years since the passing of the Safe Drinking Water Act, AWWA is excited to celebrate the successes of the sector and water professionals whose nonstop efforts have kept our water safe and reliable.
Join us in recognizing the Safe Drinking Water Act’s 50th anniversary by leveraging the available news and information provided here.
Safe Drinking Water Act Timeline and Milestones
Safe Drinking Water Act was signed into law to protect public health by authorizing national enforceable standards for drinking water quality.
Congress amends the SDWA to include a new program to protect underground sources of drinking water. The 1986 amendments also banned the use of lead pipes, lead solder and flux from new potable water plumbing. EPA was instructed to regulate 83 contaminants in drinking water within three years.
The SDWA is amended to enhance security measures to safeguard the nation’s drinking water infrastructure from potential terrorist threats.
Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act — Revised the definition of “lead-free” to lower the allowable maximum lead content of lead in plumbing components.
Community Fire Safety Act – Exempted fire hydrants and some other specific water system components from lead-free definition.
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act – Renews focus on reducing exposure to lead through enhanced public notice and attention to lead in schools and child-care facilities. Also includes an emphasis on funding for disadvantaged communities.
America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 amends SDWA to require community water systems to assess and prepare response plans for both natural hazards and malevolent threats.
The water sector celebrates 50 years of safe drinking water while looking ahead to future improvements of the Act.

The Story of a Crucial Law to Protect Public Health
Every time you turn on your tap and drink some fresh, delicious water, you can thank the Safe Drinking Water Act!
For 50 years, this landmark federal legislation has been a key driving force safeguarding the quality of potable water that is so essential to daily life across the U.S. Administered through science-based EPA regulations, SDWA set stringent and clear standards which all water utilities and systems, of all sizes, are required to meet.
SDWA has kept up with changing times and evolving science. It has been updated several times to address emerging threats to our drinking water, as well as new opportunities to tackle water quality challenges.
External Resources
SDWA: A Summary of the Act and Its Requirements
SDWA Regulatory Development Process
EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018: Drinking Water Provisions
Waterloop podcast interview with Alan Roberson, executive director of the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
Over the past 50 years, water professionals have played a significant role in ensuring that we have safe and reliable drinking water. We asked AWWA members to share insight on what the 50th anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act means to them.
Read and watch their testimonials below. To view more testimonials please visit our video page.

Cheryl Porter, AWWA President
“The Safe Drinking Water Act was passed to safeguard the public health and safety of all U.S. citizens, by setting high standards for the nation’s drinking water. A safe, reliable water supply plays a critical role in our day-to-day lives — and it’s significant in the quality of life we enjoy.”

Donnell Duncan Associate Vice President, Arcadis
“The thing I like about the Safe Drinking Water Act is it brought about a certain level of accountability for the treatment of this most precious resource which defends the health of people.”

George Hawkins Founder and CEO, Moonshot Missions
“I put the Safe Drinking Water Act in a continuum of steps on drinking water that have done more for public health than any other single set of steps in human history.”

Annie Storey Executive Director, Illinois Section AWWA
“Just the fact that I don’t have to worry about it says an immense huge props, to the whole industry to our representatives and legislators.”
Safe Drinking Water Act Microlearning
The micro-learning below provides a high-level summary the history, purpose, and evolution of the SDWA.
Click on the black arrow below to get started.
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