Sustainable Water Management

Wastewater Collection Systems


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Wastewater Collection Systems

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Wastewater collections systems are comprised of gravity pipes, manholes, tanks, lift stations, control structures, and force mains that gather used water from residential and nonresidential customers and convey the flow to the wastewater treatment plant. It takes thousands of miles of pipeline to collect this wastewater so it can be treated and returned to the environment.


Technical Resources


AWWA Standards

M23 PVC Pipe — Design and Installation

This manual provides the user with both general and technical information to aid in design, procurement, installation, and maintenance of PVC pipe and fittings.

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M29 Water Utility Capital Financing

Planning and obtaining financing for water utility capital projects. This edition addresses both traditional and innovative utility financing alternatives to meet both short-and long-term capital requirements.

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M41 Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings

This AWWA manual of water supply practice covers the specification, design, installation, and maintenance of ductile-iron pipe and fittings for potable water systems.

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M47 Capital Project Delivery

This manual describes a variety of project delivery methods and provides guidance to utility managers, project engineers, and buyers for managing any size construction project.

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M49 Quarter-Turn Valves: Head Loss, Torque, and Cavitation Analysis

Recommended methods for calculating operating torque, head loss, and cavitation for quarter-turn valves typically used in water works service. M49 also provides guidance on generally available methods for using quarter-turn valves as well as their cavitation, flow, and torque characteristics.

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Horsetooth Reservoir, Fort Collins, Colorado

AWWA Policy Statements

AWWA’s policy statements are brief statements on protecting and improving water supply, water quality, management, and the interests of the public and the environment. They are written by consensus, subject to review and comment by AWWA committees, councils, and members. Because they represent AWWA’s position on these matters, they are approved by the AWWA Executive Committee of the board of directors.

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Presentation to AWWA volunteers


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AWWA members are recognized globally for their industry expertise and their generosity in sharing that expertise for a better world through better water. AWWA members participate in committee activities, developing conference programs, writing technical manuals, developing standards, creating educational content and contributing to AWWA publications. Committee members primarily interact through conference calls, emails, and face to face meetings at conferences and events.

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