Customer Service
Customer Service
Effectively communicating to customers and key stakeholders is vital. Effective plans enhance the public perception of a utility through frequent and focused communications with customers and stakeholders.
AWWA Certificate Program
This certificate program will provide your customer service representatives and other utility staff the opportunity to meet the high standards expected by your customers. The curriculum comprises three courses covering Customer Relationship Building, The Business of Customer Service, and Water Industry Operations.
Events With a Focus on Customer Service
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AWWA Policy Statements
AWWA’s policy statements are brief statements on protecting and improving water supply, water quality, management, and the interests of the public and the environment. They are written by consensus, subject to review and comment by AWWA committees, councils, and members. Because they represent AWWA’s position on these matters, they are approved by the AWWA Executive Committee of the board of directors.
Technical Committee Engagement
AWWA members are recognized globally for their industry expertise and their generosity in sharing that expertise for a better world through better water. AWWA members participate in committee activities, developing conference programs, writing technical manuals, developing standards, creating educational content, and contributing to AWWA publications. Committee members primarily interact through conference calls, emails, and face-to-face meetings at conferences and events.
Standards Committee on Communications and Customer Relations
Customer Service Committee