Partnership for Clean Water


Partnership for Clean Water

Wastewater Utilities Leading the Way

Get Optimized with the Partnership for Clean Water

The Partnership for Clean Water is a global optimization and recognition program for wastewater utilities. It is established as a parallel program to the Partnership for Safe Water, which has successfully been helping drinking water utilities optimize performance for nearly 30 years. The Partnership offers self-assessment and optimization programs so that operators, managers, and administrators have the tools to improve performance above and beyond even proposed regulatory levels.

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Ready to optimize your wastewater operations and performance?

The Partnership for Clean Water is dedicated to protecting the environment and public health through wastewater utility operational excellence. Turn to trusted assessment tools, guidebooks, and accountability to help you maximize efficiency and build the future of water.

Got questions? Reach out to Partnership staff at

Why Optimize?

With the increasing scarcity of high-quality raw water sources, drinking water utilities are considering treatment and use of alternative sources, such as impacted surface waters, aquifer recharge and recovery, or reuse. This new reality makes it increasingly difficult to define where “wastewater” ends and where “drinking water” begins, a sentiment echoed throughout the water community.

Optimizing the performance of wastewater treatment facilities to improve the quality of effluent water discharged to the natural environment can help to protect the quality of surface waters that may be utilized as a downstream drinking water source. The steps taken to improve effluent water quality also result in improvements in operational efficiencies and operating costs. The program’s unique self-assessment process can help to create a focus on results and a culture of excellence.

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Treatment Plant Optimization Program Phases & Resources

The four-phase program guides utilities through the process of completing a comprehensive self-assessment of wastewater treatment facility operations and performance — with the objective of improving treated effluent quality and energy efficiency.

Phase I: Commitment

Phase I: Commitment

This commitment ensures that utility staff are committed to optimization and ready to be fully engaged in the optimization process.

Ready to join?

Phase II: Baseline & Annual Data Collection

Phase II: Baseline & Annual Data Collection

Baseline and annual data is submitted for inclusion in the Partnership’s annual data summary report and to quantify improvement:

Phase III: Self-Assessment

Phase III: Self-Assessment

Utility staff complete a comprehensive self-assessment of wastewater treatment facility operations, performance, and energy consumption to become eligible to receive the Phase III Directors Award.

Program subscribers receive a copy of Self-Assessment for Wastewater Treatment Plant Optimization and additional self-assessment resources.

Phase IV: Fully Optimized System

Phase IV: Fully Optimized System

Phase IV facilities are recognized for demonstrated optimization.

Data Reporting

Data Reporting

Treatment facilities are requested to report treated effluent quality and energy consumption data as part of the program’s Annual Reporting process. This data submission helps to quantify the collective impact of the Partnership for Clean Water program.

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Partnership for Clean Water Guide Book (1st Chapter)

Request Form

Subscriber Resources

Partnership for Clean Water Subscribers have access to secure online account management and a data reporting tool.

Wondering how subscribing to the Partnership for Clean Water can help advance you and your utility?

Download the first chapter of our book and see what it is all about.



The Partnership for Clean Water’s mission is to help utilities preserve environmental water quality and protect public health by optimizing wastewater utility operations and management.


The Partnership’s goal is to help utilities optimize wastewater treatment plant operations to improve effluent water quality, providing a margin of safety beyond current regulatory requirements—and to achieve this in the most energy-efficient manner possible.


Why join the Partnership? See the benefits for your plant and community.

  • Optimization. Utilities completing the self-assessment improve effluent water quality, increase operational efficiencies, and reduce energy consumption. Benchmarking leads to year-over-year improvement and operational efficiencies.
  • Recognition. Partnership awards spotlight high-performance, strengthening community relationships and public trust.
  • Networking and growth. The Partnership staff and network of utility volunteers are here for you to provide coaching and mentoring. Learn from top water industry professionals and join a network of utility leaders dedicated to the highest level of water quality.


The phases of Partnership programs:

  • Commitment. Utilities plan to participate, apply, and submit fees.
  • Baseline data collection. Utilities provide baseline data, establishing current performance so future improvements may be quantified.
  • Self-assessment. Utilities complete a comprehensive wastewater treatment plant self-assessment and provide a completion report, reviewed by industry experts, to become eligible for program awards.

Annual Fees

Fees charged for both Treatment and Distribution Programs:

  • Population Served > 700,000,  Annual Fees $3,820
  • Population Served 525,001 – 700,000  = Annual Fees $2,865
  • Population Served 350,001 – 525,000  = Annual Fees $1,910
  • Population Served 175,001 – 350,000 = Annual Fees $1,380
  • Population Served 88,001 – 175,000 = Annual Fees $1,060
  • Population Served 35,001 – 88,000 = Annual Fees $640
  • Population Served 18,001 – 35,000 = Annual Fees $320
  • Population Served < 18,000 = Annual Fees $50

*Partnership fees cost utility customers less than 1 penny per year*


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