AWWA Policy Statement
Residential Fire Sprinklers

Residential Fire Sprinklers
AWWA Policy Statement on Residential Fire Sprinklers
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) recognizes the increasing use of residential fire sprinkler systems and recommends that they be designed by licensed or accredited professionals; approved and inspected by the appropriate local agencies (water utility, fire department and/or other approval agency) to ensure adequate flow, pressure, backflow protection and installation; and installed by licensed fire sprinkler contractors or properly‐trained personnel.
Practices specified in this policy statement are consistent with all other pertinent AWWA policy statements.
Adopted by the Board of Directors Feb. 4, 1996, reaffirmed June 13, 2004, and revised Jan. 17, 2010, and June 8, 2014, and January 24, 2019.