AWWA Policy Statement

Drinking Water Quality


Policy Statements

Drinking Water Quality

AWWA Policy Statement on Drinking Water Quality

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) believes that maintaining safe, aesthetic, and sustainable drinking water is a matter of paramount importance, and it is committed to protecting public health through delivery of drinking water that meets or surpasses all applicable regulatory standards.

This commitment is achieved most effectively and economically by utilizing the best available supplies, applying appropriate treatment, and actively managing water quality from the source to the point of delivery.  Accordingly, water utilities should develop and implement operations and management programs that: protect sources; identify and address potential water quality threats; assess and optimize treatment, storage, and distribution facilities; and promote ongoing operator training.

Routine water quality monitoring is also critical to effectively measure program performance, anticipate problems, gather data for both regulatory and consumer reporting, and prepare for any future treatment modifications that may be necessary in response to changes associated with new sources, existing source water quality variability, regulations, or consumer expectations.  In supporting these recommended practices, AWWA endorses regular review of scientific research and ongoing education to facilitate timely and efficient utility planning, as well as proactive community engagement to both inform stakeholders and obtain constructive input from consumers, public health officials, and the medical community.

Practices specified in this policy statement are consistent with all other pertinent AWWA policy statements.

Adopted by the Board of Directors Jan. 24, 1988, and revised Jan. 29, 1989, Jan. 23, 2000, and June 15, 2003, and Jan. 21, 2007. Revised June 9, 2013. Revised January 14, 2017. Revised January 10, 2022.

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