AWWA Policy Statement

Assignment of the Continuing Education Unit and Professional Development Hour


Policy Statements

Assignment of the Continuing Education Unit and Professional Development Hour

AWWA Policy Statement on Assignment of the Continuing Education Unit and Professional Development Hour

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) supports the use of the continuing education unit (CEU) and the professional development hour (PDH) as standard units of measurement in continuing education and training programs. These measurements are widely used and recognized for training, and serve in attaining and retaining relevant professional licenses and certifications.

The CEU and PDH were designed and are widely accepted as standard units of measurement to facilitate the accumulation and exchange of information about individual participation in continuing education. They are used internationally for recognized for recording, reporting, and meeting professional license and certification requirements.

Practices specified in this policy statement are consistent with all other pertinent AWWA policy statements.

Adopted by the Board of Directors May 16, 1982. Revised June 14, 1987, Jan. 26, 1992, Feb. 2, 1997, June 21, 1998, Nov. 3, 2007, and Jan. 23, 2011, Reaffirmed Jan. 24, 2015, June 11, 2017, Revised Jan. 10, 2022.

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