American/Canadian/Mexican Water Landmarks Award



American/Canadian/Mexican Water Landmarks Award


2024 Designated Landmarks
  • City of Boca Raton Glades Road Water Treatment Plant, Florida Section
  • City of Fort Lauderdale NW 2nd Avenue Water Tower, Florida Section

Purpose of the Award:

To recognize and preserve an American, Canadian, or Mexican Water Landmark at least 50 years old that has had a direct and significant relationship with water supply, treatment, distribution, or technological development.

The Award

An exquisite sculpture to be appropriately mounted on the water landmark, and a certificate of designation. The certificate and plaque title shall be specific to the country of recognition.


As deserved.

Eligibility for Award

  • An American, Canadian, or Mexican Water Landmark must be a tangible, physical property that has or has had a direct and significant relationship with water’s supply, treatment, distribution, or technological development. It should be of a permanent and nonexpendable nature, such as a building, dam, reservoir, tower, etc., and not machinery or a natural water resource.
  • A water landmark must be at least 50 years old and be recognized within its own community or region as a popular, valued, or historically significant property. (Evidence of this recognition must be provided.)
  • It must be apparent that the Landmark candidate has been and will continue to be maintained in a manner appropriate to the status of an American, Canadian, or Mexican Water Landmark. (A clear, current, original photo of the candidate should be provided to demonstrate its condition.) The Landmark may be utilized in a manner other than its original purpose.

Entry Requirements

Submit entry on entry form along with other required materials, to the professional staff or secretary of the AWWA Section in which the landmark is located. (See paragraph 7 below.)

Provide written background about the proposed water landmark, plus photos, drawings, or plans that illustrate its worthiness. Generally, think what it might take to persuade you of its appropriateness.

Nomination Procedure

A proposed water landmark must be considered and approved by the AWWA Section in which it is located. The entry form and supporting material shall be submitted to the Section professional staff or secretary in the number of copies he or she specifies, for forwarding to the Section committee charged with determining whether or not the proposed landmark meets the eligibility requirements. The chair of the Section  review committee shall report its decision to the Section professional staff or secretary.

The Section professional staff or secretary shall advise the person submitting the entry of the decision. If the entry has been approved, the Section professional staff or secretary shall so certify to and instruct the submitter to send the entry form, Section certification, photo(s) of the proposed water landmark, and each item of supporting material to: Communications Dept., Water Landmarks Committee, AWWA, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235. Phone (303) 794-7711.

Nominating or Submission Deadline

Nominations must be received by November 1 to be assured of receiving full consideration.

Award Committee Membership

The committee shall consist of a chair and seven other members appointed by the chair of the Public Affairs Council, subject to Council approval.  The chair serves one three-year term and members may serve two three-year terms. The chair votes only in case of a tie. An Association staff member shall serve as advisor to the committee.

Method of Selecting Award Recipient

The advisor of the AWWA Water Landmarks Committee shall check the entry material for conformance with requirements and, if satisfactory, shall forward the material to members of the AWWA Water Landmarks Committee together with a ballot form. A simple majority of the committee must approve a nomination. Committee members shall respond with their vote and will be asked to return original photographs to the secretary.

After committee approval, the nomination shall be forwarded to the AWWA Executive Committee and Board of Directors for its approval.

A negative vote will be reviewed by the staff advisor and, if necessary, will be circulated, along with stated reasons, to members of the AWWA Water Landmarks Committee for final resolution.

Presentation of the Award

Announcement of approved American, Canadian, and Mexican Water Landmarks is made in AWWA publications and at the next American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition. In addition:

  • A certificate of designation is mailed through the Section chair to the individual who originally submitted entry material.
  • A sturdy bronze plaque is mailed to the professional staff or secretary of the sponsoring AWWA Section, who will have it appropriately engraved after consulting with the person submitting the nomination.
  • The originator (and Section) should arrange suitable ceremonies at the site of the landmark to affix, unveil, or otherwise publicly recognize the honor at an appropriate time; i.e., an open house, dedication, Drinking Water Week event (first full week in May annually), or other occasion.

Award Submissions

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Past Recipients

Congratulations to the past recipients of this prestigious award.

City of Guelph Waterworks Engine House/Pumping Station, Ontario Section
Hamilton’s First Waterworks, Ontario Section
Hialeah Water Treatment Plant, Florida Section
Kermit H. Lewin Seawater Desalination Water Treatment Plant, Florida Section
The Englewood Water District Lime Softening Plant, Florida Section
University of Central Florida – Elevated Water Storage Tower, Florida Section

City of Saskatoon Water Treatment Plant, Western Canada Section of AWWA
Florissant Tank, Missouri Section
Réservoir McTavish, Quebec Section

Jackson Water Plant Tower, Missouri Section

City of Troy Standpipe, Alabama/Mississippi Section
Dania Beach Water Treatment Plant, Florida Section
Myakkahatchee Creek Water Treatment Plant, Florida Section
Mt. Airy Tanks, Ohio Section

Antigua Acueducto de Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Section
Linnwood Water Treatment Plant, Wisconsin Section
The Delaware Aqueduct, New York Section

Manatee County Dam, Bradenton, Florida
Bay County Water Treatment Plant, Panama City, Florida
Altoona Reservoir System, Altoona, Pennsylvania
City of Ann Arbor Water Treatment Plant, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Sheahan Pumping Station, Memphis, Tennessee
Court Street Pumping Station, Montgomery, Alabama
The Old Well – Water Well #3, Bristow, Oklahoma
Destin Water Users Tower 1, Destin, Florida
City of Dunedin Well 1, Dunedin, Florida

High Point City Lake Dam aka Arnold J. Koonce, Jr., City Lake Dam, Jamestown, North Carolina

John F. Dye Water Conditioning Plant, Lansing, Michigan

Pedlar River Dam and Gravity Pipeline, Lynchburg, Virginia
R.C. Harris Water Treatment Plant, Toronto, Ontario
Market Street Pump Station, San Antonio, Texas
North Holly Water Treatment Plant, Fort Worth, Texas

Riverside Water Treatment Plant, Waco, Texas
Waterworks Museum, Boston, Massachusetts
Butts Hill Small Water Storage Tank Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Old Pump House, Town of Parry Sound, Ontario

Hoover Dam, Boulder City, Nevada
Payson Park Reservoir & Gatehouse, Belmont, Massachusetts

Water Tower, Caruthersville, Missouri

City of Riverside Upper Canal, Riverside, California
Marston Water Tower, Ames, Iowa

Crystal Spring Steam Pumping Station, Roanoke, Virginia
Mount Clemens Water Filtration Plant, Mount Clemens, Michigan

Main Office-San Jose Water Co., San Jose, California

Sunset Heights Pumping Station, El Paso, Texas
Fort Revere Water Tower, Hull, Massachusetts
Gainer Dam, Scituate, Rhode Island

Alvarado Water Treatment Plant, La Mesa, California

Spring Road Waterworks Bldg., Huntington, New York
North Pumping Station, South Bend, Indiana

Stanley Hydraulics Laboratory, IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering, Iowa City, Iowa
Brooks Catsup Bottle Water Tower, Collinsville, Illinois
Cedartown Water Plant, Cedartown, Georgia

Industrial & Domestic Water Treatment Plant, Savannah, Georgia
Col. Francis G. Ward Complex, Buffalo, New York
Sunrise Reservoir, Portsmouth, Ohio

Grants Pass Water Filtration Plant, Grants Pass, Oregon

Marine Dam, Waimea, Hawaii
Old Holly Pump Station, Rochester, New York

Salisbury Water Tank, West Lafayette, Indiana
Sault Ste. Marie Water Storage Tank, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
City of Chester Cistern, Chester, South Carolina

Upriver Well #1, Spokane, Washington
Volunteer Park Standpipe, Seattle, Washington
Beretania Pumping Station, Honolulu, Hawaii
Jersey City Dam and Gatehouses, Jersey City, New Jersey

Grosse Pointe Farms Water Treatment Plant, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
Halawa Shaft, Halawa Valley,
Oahu, Hawaii
1926 Pumping Station, West Palm Beach, Florida
Fort Thomas Treatment Plant, Fort Thomas, Kentucky
Albany Water Treatment Plant, Albany, Oregon

North Main Tank Bldg., Independence, Missouri
Delphos Standpipe, Delphos, Ohio
Brighton Dam, Brighton, Missouri
Mark B. Whitaker Water Treatment Plant, Knoxville, Tennessee
Jordan & Salt Lake Canal, Salt Lake County, Utah
River Pumping Station, Cincinnati, Ohio

Fulbright Water Treatment Plant, Springfield, Missouri
The Big Dam, Loveland, Colorado
O’Shaugnhnessy Dam, Columbus, Ohio
Albany Water Works, Albany, Georgia
Marine City Water Works, Marine City, Michigan

Illinois-American Water Co. Main Station, Cairo, Illinois
Baldwin Filtration Plant, Cleveland, Ohio
Alpena Water Treatment Plant, Alpena, Michigan
Lake Superior Waterworks, Swedetown Standpipe,
Calument, Michigan
Mill Creek Water Treatment Plant, Dalton, Georgia
White Rock Pump Station, Dallas, Texas
Macon Water Treatment Plant, Macon, Georgia
Colorado River Aqueduct, Southern California
Glenmore Water Treatment Plant, Calgary, Alberta

Newport Pumping Station, Newport, Kentucky
Lafayette Street Standpipe, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Kingsport Water Filtration Plant, Kingsport, Tennessee
Holston River Water Pumping Station, Kingsport, Tennessee
Vest Station, Charlotte, North Caroloina

Ashland Water Treatment Plant, Ashland, Nebraska
Jefferson Water & Electric
Commission Wellhouse #2, Jefferson, Wisconsin
High Service Pumping Station,
Virginia-American Water Company,
Hopewell, Virginia
Columbus Water Treatment Plant, Columbus, Georgia
Boniface Water Tower, Village of Scarsdale, New York
Citico Pump Station, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Indiana-American Water Company, Seymour District’s Low Service Hydraulic Turbine Pumping Facility, Seymour, Indiana
Madison County Stand Pipe Water Tank, Madison, Florida

Cobbs Hill Reservoir, Rochester, New York
Alexandria District Reservoir, Alexandria, Virginia
MinneLusa Pumping Station, Omaha, Nebraska
J.H. Fewell Water Treatment Plant, Jackson, Mississippi
Alexandria District Operations Center, Alexandria, Virginia
Capitol City Water Tower, Jefferson City, Missouri
Snow Pumping Station, Nashua, New Hampshire
Illinois-American Water Co. Main Station, Alton, Illinois
Water Works Park Treatment Plant,
Detroit, Michigan
North Easton Water Works Pumping Plant, North Easton, Massachusetts

R.B Simms Filtration Plant & Dam, Spartanburg, South Carolina
Jacksonville Water Works Park, Jacksonville, Florida
Omohundro Water Treatment Plant, Nashville, Tennessee
Canal Winchester Water Treatment Plant, Canal Winchester, Ohio
Illinois-American Water Company’s Main Station, East St. Louis, Illinois
Sacramento River Water Treatment Plant, Sacramento, California
Indian Hill Water Tower, Indian Hill, Ohio
Oak Street Standpipe, Huntington, Indiana

30th Street Pump Station, Galveston, Texas
Frankfort Electric & Water Plant’s Reservoir, Frankfort, Kentucky
Remington Water Tower, Remington, Indiana
Stoughton Pump Station, Stoughton, Massachusetts
24th Street Pump Station, Huntington, West Virginia
North Street Pumping Station, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Blendville Pumping Station, Joplin, Missouri

Winnipeg Aqueduct, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Robert E. Green Auditorium, Vincennes, Indiana
Monroe Water Filtration Plant, Monroe, Michigan
No. 1 Water Treatment Complex, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Ada Treatment Plant, Bluefield, West Virginia
Snow & Gaskill Pump House, St. Joseph, Missouri
Three Rivers Filtration Plant, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Bluffton Water Works, Washington Street Station, Bluffton, Indiana
Barton Dam & Impoundment, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Walnut Street Standpipe, Wabash, Indiana
Boulware Springs Waterworks, Gainesville, Florida
Little Quitticas Pump Station, New Bedford, Massachusetts
Two Mile Dam & Reservoir, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Bartow Water Tank, Bartow, Florida
McMillan Water Treatment Plant, Washington, D.C.
Bird’s Mill Pumping Station, Bracebridge, Ontario
Fredericton Water Treatment, Fredericton, New Brunswick
George’s Pond Reservoir, Newfoundland, Canada
Dam & Reservoir #4, Lexington, Kentucky
Third Street Pump Station, Stillwater, Minnesota

Petrolia Water Works, Brights Grove, Ontario
Water St. Pumphouse & Dam, Petersborough, Ontario
Branch Street Pump Station, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Highfield Pump Station, Moncton, New Brunswick
Robbie Street Reservoir, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hillsborough River Water Treatment Plant,Tampa, Florida
Island Filtration Plant, Toronto, Ontario
Long Island Water Corp. Main Plant #5, Hewlett, New York

Lily Lake Reservoir, Saint John, New Brunswick
Danville Standpipe, Danville, Indiana
St. Marys Water Tower, St. Marys, Ontario
McNeil Street Pumping Station, Shreveport, Louisiana
The Pumphouse, Indianapolis, Indiana
Havana Water Tower, Havana, Illinois

Rosehill Reservoir, Toronto, Ontario
Highland Park Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota
Burlington City Reservoir & Pump House, Burlington, Vermont
Plaza Well, St. Augustine, Florida
Walnut Hill Reservoir, Omaha, Nebraska
Echo Bridge,Newton, Massachusetts
Turtle Creek Pump Station, Dallas, Texas
Fleet Street Pumping Station, Ottawa, Canada
John Street Pumping Station, Toronto, Ontario
Smithsburg Reservoir, Washington County, Maryland
Kalihi Pumping Station, Honolulu, Hawaii
Main Station Pump House #1, Peoria, Illinois
Lewiston Water Treatment Plant, Lewiston, Idaho
Mountain Dell Dam, Salt Lake City, Utah
Great Sandy Bottom Pump Station, Pembroke, Massachusetts
Lithia Water Fountain, Ashland, Oregon
Port Arthur Water Treatment Plant, Port Arthur, Texas

Mission Creek Dam & Reservoir,Santa Barbara, California
Lake Whitney Dam, Hamden, Connecticut
No. 2 Water Pumping Station Calgary, Alberta
Monroe Filtration Plant, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Chain of Rocks Plant-Intakes 1 & 2, St. Louis, Missouri
Flint Lake Water Treatment Plant, Valparaiso, Indiana
Bangor Standpipe on Thomas Hill, Bangor, Maine

Roger Williams Spring, Providence, Rhode Island
Ella Street Pumping Station, Tiffin, Ohio
No. 1 Pumping Station, Louisville, Kentucky
Tower Hill Water Tower, Lawrence, Massachusetts
Kassler Water Treatment Plant, Denver, Colorado
Coquitlam Lake Intake Tower, Vancouver, Brithish Columbia

Sunset Hill Water Tower, Ossining, New York
Augusta Water Works Pumping Station, Augusta, Georgia
Manchester Low Service Pumping Station, Manchester, New Hampshire
Grand Avenue Water Tower, St. Louis, Missouri

Woodland Reservoir, Syracuse, New York
Malpeque Road Water Pump Station, Charlottetown, PEI
Fairmount Water Works, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Acequias of San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas
Huntsville Big Spring, Huntsville, Alabama
Moores Bridges Filter Bldg., Norfolk, Virginia
Cahaba Pumping Station, Birmingham, Alabama
Bissel Street Water Tower, St. Louis, Missouri
Grassy Sprain Reservoir & Tuckahoe Road Pump Station, Yonkers, New York

Virginia & Gold Hill Water Co., Marlette Lake Water System, Virginia City, Nevada
Walter E. Peele Dixie Water Plant, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Coldwater Spring, Anniston, Alabama
Tomhannock Reservoir & Dam, Troy, New York
Kalamazoo Water Tower, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Old Mission San Buenaventura Filtration Building, Ventura, California
Big Bear Lake Dams, San Bernadino, California
Compton Hill Tower, St. Louis, Missouri
Ashokan Reservoir, Ulster County, New York
No. 1 Pumping Station, Veradale, Washington

Bremen Water Tower, Bremen, Indiana
Slow Sand Filter Beds, Ilion, New York
Waldo Water Tower, Kansas City, Missouri

Georgetown Reservoir Castle Gatehouse, Washington, DC
Jones Beach State Park Water Tower, Jones Beach, New York
Chabot Dam and Lake Chabot, San Leandro, California
Ypsilanti Water Tower, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Water Supply & Sewerage Systems, Dawson, Yukon Territory
Kingston Water Dept. Filter Plant, New York
The Big Well, Greensburg, Kansas
Lawson Tower, Scituate, Massachusetts

Big Hole Pump Station Pump No. 2, Butte, Montana
Fresno Water Tower, Fresno, California
Cabin John Bridge, Cabin John, Maryland
Druid Lake Dam, Baltimore, Maryland

Bethlehem 1769 Waterworks, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Eighth Avenue South Reservoir, Nashville, Tennessee
Indiana Central Canal, Indianapolis, Indiana
Eden Park Water Tower, Cincinnati, Ohio
Filtration Plant, Elmira, New York

Aqueduct Cascades, Los Angeles, California
Standpipe Water Tower, Louisville, Kentucky
Gary-Hobart Water Tower, Gary, Indiana
Water Tower, Riverside, Illinois

Chicago Water Tower, Chicago, Illinois
North Point Water Tower, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Theodore Roosevelt Dam, Phoenix, Arizona
Old Mission Dam and Flume, San Diego, California
High Bridge Water Tower, New York, New York

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