
Water Equation Award



Water Equation Award


Award Criteria

Purpose of the Award:

The AWWA Water Equation Awards are to recognize members or organizations for fulfilling the vision and mission of the Water Equation. The Water Equation provides funding for workforce advancement, scholarships, students, young professionals and Community Engineering Corps in an effort to fulfill AWWA’s mission of “A better world through better water.”

Our Core Principles are Accountability, Stewardship, Collaboration, Inspired Giving and Sustainability. These annual awards were created to honor outstanding volunteers or volunteer organizations for their service and leadership, generous donations, or creation of a scholarship endowment fund in the advancement of the Water Equations core principals and mission.

One award will be presented to an organization with AWWA representation, and one award will be presented to an individual AWWA member. The awards will be dependent on annual applications.

The Award

An award reflecting inspired leadership in giving and those that promote giving in the spirit of the Water Equation.

Eligibility for the Award

To qualify for the award the individual nominee(s) or organization nominee(s) must be an AWWA member or an organization with support of an AWWA member.

Nomination Procedure

Please submit entry form below.

Entry Requirements

AWWA entry form and one letter of recommendation. The form and recommendation letters should frame the individual or organization’s support of AWWA Water Equation’s vision and mission for investing in the water workforce through outstanding volunteer service and inspiring giving.

The nominee may be self-nominated, nominated by an AWWA Section Board of Trustees/Directors, an AWWA Council, or nominated by any AWWA member. Nominations must include one letter of recommendation from any of the following:

  • The chair of the nominee’s AWWA Section/Council.
  • An AWWA member

Nomination or Submission Deadline

Nominations must be received by October 1 to be assured of receiving full consideration.

Award Selection Committee Membership

The Award Selection Committee will consist of AWWA Water Equation Committee members, AWWA Section Services representatives, and an AWWA Executive Committee member.

The Award Selection Committee shall review all award entries and select the award winners based on the award criteria. In the event of a conflict of interest, recusal will be determined by the AWWA Water Equation Chair. Examples of conflict of interest are, but are not limited to, a nominee being a relative or colleague of the Selection Committee Member.

Method of Selecting Award Recipient

The Award Selection Committee shall use its best judgment in selecting the award winners using materials and information submitted with the award criteria form.

Presentation of the Award

The awards will be presented at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE) at the Water Industry Luncheon, Headwaters Reception or other appropriate event within the same year.


Award Submissions

Submission Deadline: October 1

For questions reach out to

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Water Equation Award Entry Form
Is this nomination for an Individual or Organization?
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