Presidential Member Recruitment Awards
Presidential Member Recruitment Awards
Award Determination
Recruiters earn five points for each Individual Active or International member and two points for each Student or Operations/Administrative member. Recruiters earn points for organizational membership recruitment as follows:
New Utility Member by Grade:
- Grade 80 = 25 points
- Grade 81 = 50 points
- Grade 82 = 75 points
- Grade 83 = 100 points
- Grade 84 = 150 points
- Grade 85 = 250 points
- Grade 86 = 300 points
New Service Provider Member by Grade:
- Grade 90 = 50 points
- Grade 91 = 75 points
- Grade 92 = 100 points
- Grade 93 = 150 points
- Grade 94 = 250 points
New Partner Agency Member:
- Grade 74 = 50 points
The Award
Platinum Presidential Award: A walnut plaque engraved with the name of the recipient and his section. A white-gold lapel pin is also awarded to the recipient.
Gold/Silver Presidential Award: A walnut plaque engraved with the name of the recipient and his section. A lapel pin is also awarded to the recipient.
Frequency of the Award
Once a year at the annual conference.
Eligibility for the Award
Platinum Presidential Award: The recruiter must enlist enough members to receive 2,000 recruitment points and at least 1,000 points must have been earned with Individual Active or Operations/Administrative members.
Gold Presidential Award: The recruiter must enlist enough members to receive 1,500 recruitment points and at least 750 points must have been earned with Individual Active or Operations/Administrative members.
Silver Presidential Award: The recruiter must enlist enough members to receive 1,000 recruitment points and at least 500 points must have been earned with Individual Active or Operations/Administrative members.
Entry Requirements
Must be an AWWA member who has qualified for eligibility.
Method of Selecting Award Recipient
AWWA staff tallies and analyzes the total number recruited on a calendar year basis to determine award recipients. The award determination period may be changed at AWWA’s sole discretion.
Past Recipients
Congratulations to the past recipients of this prestigious award.
Eric Way, Michigan Section
Donna Howe, Texas Section
Edward Doi, Hawaii Section
Randy Lusk, Illinois Section
Dan Hood, Indiana Section
Donna Howe, Texas Section
Rick Benoit, Atlantic Canada Section
David Holley, Pennsylvania Section
Randy Lusk, Illinois Section
Clara Shea, Atlantic Canada Section
Robin Casale, New Jersey Section
Robert Gore, Virginia Section
Dan Hood, Indiana Section
Ronald Rudio, New York Section