
Paula I. MacIlwaine Award

Formerly named Archie Becher, Jr. Award



Paula I. MacIlwaine Award


Award Criteria

Purpose of the Award:

In honor of Paula MacIlwaine’ s significant contributions to AWWA, an award of excellence given to a staff member to recognize outstanding accomplishments.

The Award

An exquisite sculpture that embodies the essence of accomplishment and serve as a testament to the recipient’s dedication and contributions. Each Paula I. MacIlwaine award is accompanied by a personalized inscribed nameplate to honor and preserve the recipient’s name and accomplishment. A permanent plaque with the names of all recipients will be displayed at AWWA headquarters.

Frequency of the Award

As deserved, but not more than one annually.

Eligibility for the Award

To qualify for the award, the nominee must have shown continuous dedication above and beyond normal duties to AWWA reflective of Paula’s inspiring vision, wisdom, leadership, grace, mission loyalty. In addition, the successful candidate must be viewed as a team player, good communicator, and provide excellent service to the membership of the Association. The AWWA Executive Staff are ineligible for the award.

Nomination Procedure

An entry form must be submitted by an AWWA staff member to the CEOs office.

Entry Requirements

Submission to the awards committee of completed entry form plus any letters of commendation.

Nomination or Submission Deadline

November 1

Award Committee Membership

The committee shall consist of the immediate past two recipients, Deputy CEO, Chief Membership Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Executive Director of Government Affairs. The Chair of the Committee will be the Deputy CEO, and in the case of a tie, the CEO will serve as tie-breaker.

For the inaugural year, the past two Archie Becher awardees will serve.

Method of Selecting Award Recipient

The committee selects a candidate for the award and reports its nominee to the Board of Directors for approval at its winter meeting.

Presentation of the Award

The award will be presented at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition.


Award Submissions

Submission Deadline: November 1

For questions reach out to

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Paula I. MacIlwaine Award Award Entry Form
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