
Nicholas S. Hill Jr. Award



Nicholas S. Hill Jr. Award


2021 Recipient

Indiana Section

Award Criteria

Purpose of the Award

To recognize the Section that achieves the greatest net percentage membership growth each year.

The Award

A walnut plaque engraved with the name of the Section.

Frequency of the Award

Once annually.

Eligibility for the Award

Each Section is a potential recipient based upon its annual net percentage membership growth.

Award Determination

AWWA staff calculates each Section’s net percentage membership growth on a calendar year basis to determine the top performing Section. The award determination period may be changed at AWWA’s sole discretion.

Award Winners

Past Recipients

Congratulations to the past recipients of this prestigious award.

Rocky Mountain Section

Florida Section

Hawaii Section

Mexico Section

Mexico Section

New England Section

Nebraska Section

Puerto Rico Section

Atlantic Canada Section

Puerto Rico Section

Mexico Section


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