
Innovation Awards



Innovation Awards


2024 Recipient


Award Criteria

Purpose of the Award:

The AWWA Innovation Awards are to recognize members for fulfilling the Vision of the Innovation Initiative. The current vision of the Initiative is “To inspire and implement innovative thinking and best practices” within the water industry. These annual awards are for those who have inspired or implemented an innovative idea, best practice, or solution to address a challenge facing the industry with significant positive results. One award will be presented to a utility, and one award will be presented to a service provider (non- utility) or individual AWWA member.

The Award

An exquisite sculpture that embodies the essence of accomplishment and serve as a testament to the recipient’s dedication and contributions. Each Innovation award is accompanied by a personalized inscribed nameplate to honor and preserve the recipient’s name and accomplishment.

Eligibility for the Award

To qualify for the award the nominee(s) must be an AWWA member. A utility nominee must be an AWWA utility member. An organization (other than a utility) must be a service provider member. An individual must be an individual member or an individual who works for a utility or a service provider member and is included as part of the organization’s membership.

Nomination Procedure

Submit form below with supporting material and documentation.

Entry Requirements

AWWA entry form and three letters of recommendation. The form and recommendation letters should frame the innovative idea, best practice or solution, describe how the innovation addresses challenges facing the industry and specify the significant positive results provided by the innovation.

The nominee may be self-nominated, nominated by a Section Board of Trustees/Directors, or nominated by any AWWA member. Nominations must include two letters of recommendation that provide a testimonial (minimum 100 words) of the significant and positive results of the innovation and one additional letter of recommendation from any of the following:

  • The chair of the nominee’s AWWA Section.
  • The leadership of a utility or service provider (non-utility) organization.
  • A regulatory agency executive. In the USA, the recommendation may come from either USEPA or a State’s primacy agency. Outside of the USA, the recommendation may come from an equivalent or similar and appropriate regulatory body.
  • A Client or end user positively impacted by the best practice or solution.
  • An AWWA Council Chair

Nomination or Submission Deadline

Nominations must be received by January 31 to be assured of receiving full consideration.

Award Selection Committee Membership

The Award Selection Committee will consist of the Chair of the MAC, the MAC Sessions and Awards committee, and the Vice Chair or a selected member from the PAC, WUC, TEC, IC, and STDs Councils to provide a diverse perspective from across the industry.

The Award Selection Committee shall review all award entries and select the award winners based on the award criteria. In the event of a conflict of interest, recusal will be determined by the MAC Chair.  Examples of conflict of interest are, but are not limited to, a nominee being a relative, colleague, investor or client of a Selection Committee Member.

Method of Selecting Award Recipient

The Award Selection Committee shall use its best judgment in selecting the award winners using materials and information submitted with the award criteria form.

Presentation of the Award

The awards will be presented at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE) at the Water Industry Luncheon or other appropriate event within the same year.


Award Submissions

Submission Deadline: January 31

For questions reach out to

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Innovation Award Entry Form
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Award Winners

Past Recipients

Congratulations to the past recipients of this prestigious award.

Ranin Nseir

The Regional Municipality of York


Ranin Nseir

Multiple Winners

Denver Water

ASTERRA (previously known as Utilis)


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