
Exemplary Source Water Protection Award Form

To recognize drinking water systems who have developed and are implementing exemplary source water protection programs.



Exemplary Source Water Protection Award

Exemplary Source Water Protection Award Form

Exemplary Source Water Award

To apply for the Exemplary Source Water Protection Award, please complete application.

Please note that the application cannot be saved and resumed later. We recommend preparing to complete it in one sitting or drafting your responses elsewhere before starting. Additionally, be mindful of the word limits for each question, as submissions exceeding the specified word count will not be accepted.

Submitter Information:

Preliminary Criteria:

Is the applicant a Drinking Water System?
Is the applicant in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements?
Is/are the drinking water supply source(s) associated with a water system or authority that is regulated by a federal/state/province/tribe government agency?
The applicant verifies that they have based their application on the latest ANSI/AWWA G300 Standard:
Does the applicant have a Directly Responsible Individual* (DRI) for implementation of the Source Water Protection Program? *DRI – the person directly employed by a Drinking Water System, that is responsible for the Drinking Water System’s Source Water Protection program implementation (I.e., not a consultant)?

This is the applicants:
If not applicable, please type N/A
Identify the source of drinking water for the system:

Which size category does your drinking water system qualify for? (Please note size categories are delineated by population served NOT customer accounts).

Medium/Very Large Additional Question

Medium/Very Large Systems:
Can you confirm that your Source Water Protection Program aligns with the ANSI/AWWA G300 Standard, and have you thoroughly reviewed and based your program on this standard?