Distinguished Public Service Award



Distinguished Public Service Award


2024 Recipient

Ted Henifin


Purpose of the Award:

The award for Distinguished Public Service, established in 1951 in honor of Harry E. Jordan who served as Secretary of the Association from 1936 to 1959, is presented in recognition of distinguished public service outside the line of duty by an AWWA member.

The Award

An exquisite sculpture that embodies the essence of accomplishment and serve as a testament to the recipient’s dedication and contributions. Each Distinguished Public Service award is accompanied by a personalized inscribed nameplate to honor and preserve the recipient’s name and accomplishment.


As deserved


All members of AWWA who have made outstanding contributions in public service, in addition to achieving recognition as professionals in the industry. Public service is considered to be exceptional, long-term voluntary service in a leadership capacity in or with community-based activities such as church, fraternal, youth, or service-oriented organizations and/or exceptional volunteer service to federal, state, provincial, municipal, global or other governmental entities.

Entry Requirements

Submit full name and address and complete biographical information on each nominee in the entry form below.

Nomination Procedure

A nomination for the award may be submitted by any AWWA member or section to the American Water Works Association, Attn:  Executive Dept., 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, CO 80235. Nominees may remain under consideration for up to three years. Section will be notified if their nominee has not been selected within that time. A candidate may be re-nominated. If the candidate is not re-nominated, his/her name will be dropped from the list.

Nominating or Submission Deadline

Nominations must be received by November 1 to be assured of receiving full consideration.

Award Committee Membership

The committee shall consist of the last five (5) Past Presidents with the most recent Past President serving as chair. An Association staff member shall serve as advisor to the committee.

Method of Selecting Award Recipient

The committee shall report its nominee to the Board of Directors for approval at its winter meeting.

Presentation of the Award

The award will be presented at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition or at another appropriate event.


Award Submissions

Submission Deadline: November 1

For questions reach out to

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Distinguished Public Service Award
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Past Recipients

Congratulations to the past recipients of this prestigious award.

Greg Wukasch


Greg Wukasch

Rebecca Stenholm

Arizona Section

Kathleen Thea Jackson

Texas Section

Allan B. Ritter

Texas Section

Carolyn Quigley

Intermountain Section

John Marchand

California/Nevada Section

Steve Dennis

California/Nevada Section

James Keffer

Texas Section

Ed Archuleta

Texas Section

Jim Doane

Pacific Northwest Section

Kenneth Bouchard

California/Nevada Section

Gerard (Jerry) Higgins

Virginia Section

David L. Phillips

California/Nevada Section

Donald R. Kaiser

California/Nevada Section

Robert D. Friedgen

California/Nevada Section

John L. Huber

Kentucky-Tennessee Section

Jeanne LeJeune

Pacific Northwest Section

Arvid Hiller

Montana Section

Robert L. Wubbena

Pacific Northwest Section

Jack L. Clarke

California/Nevada Section

William T. Morris

Pennsylvania Section

Multiple Winners

William H. Gates, Atlantic Canada Section
Karl F. Kohlhoff, Arizona Section

Kenneth M. Lowthian

Pacific Northwest Section

Kimber G. Johnson

Pacific Northwest Section

Ervin Sims Jr.

Kansas Section

A. J. Szabo

Southwest Section

J. Edward Singley

Florida Section

Charles A. Black

Florida Section

Robert E. Harner

Pennsylvania Section

Melvin E. Hook

Pennsylvania Section

Theodore C. Pope Jr.

Florida Section

Joseph W. Custer

Pacific Northwest Section

J. Douglas Kline

Atlantic Canada Section

David L. Crowson

Florida Section

Robert P. Van Dyke

Texas Section

Frederick H. Elwell

New England Section

William H. Miller

Rocky Mountain Section

Curtis H. Stanton

Florida Section

George C. Sopp

Henry J. Graeser

Texas Section

Samuel S. Baxter

Wendell R. LaDue

Ohio Section

N. T. Veatch

Louis R. Howson

Illinois Section

William J. Orchard

Abel Wolman

Chesapeake Section

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