Award of Merit

Award of Merit

Dr. Charles Goss
Purpose of the Award:
An award of achievement to those outside the water profession who have demonstrated outstanding service in support of the principles of AWWA in providing better water for people.
Eligibility for the Award
Any individual, group, or organization that has made a notable and outstanding contribution to the water profession. The nominee cannot be employed in the water profession.
The Award
An exquisite sculpture that embodies the essence of accomplishment and serve as a testament to the recipient’s dedication and contributions. Each Award of Merit is accompanied by a personalized inscribed nameplate to honor and preserve the recipient’s name and accomplishment.
Frequency of the Award
One may be awarded annually, but at the discretion of the AWWA Award of Merit Committee, more than one may be awarded.
Entry Requirements
Submit full name and address and a summary of the nominee’s contribution to the water profession on the entry form below.
Nomination Consideration
A nomination for the award may be submitted by form below. A letter will be mailed to the section professional staff or section secretaries requesting names of nominees for the award. Nominees may remain under consideration for up to three years. Section will be notified if their nominee has not been selected within that time. If the candidate is not re-nominated, his/her name will be dropped from the list. A candidate may be re-nominated.
Nomination or Submission Deadline
November 1
Award Committee Membership
The AWWA Award of Merit Committee shall consist of the last five (5) Past Presidents with the most recent Past President serving as chair. An Association staff member shall serve as advisor to the committee.
Method of Selecting Award Recipient
The AWWA Award of Merit Committee shall select a recipient(s) from the list of potential candidates and submit the name(s) to the Board of Directors for approval at its winter meeting.
Presentation of the Award
The award may be presented at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition or at another appropriate event.
Award Submissions
Submission Deadline: November 1
For questions reach out to

Past Recipients
Congratulations to the past recipients of this prestigious award.
Met European Research Observatory
Benevento, Italy
Texas Section
Senator Barbara Boxer
Congressman Bob Gibbs
New Jersey Section
Nicole Ray
Cecilia Grana-Rosa
Carlos Nevarez
Leighann M. Gilson
The Honorable Grace F. Napolitano
George Greene
Molly Greene
Senator Dirk Kempthorne
Billy Frank Jr.
Thomas J. Bliley Jr.
Jim Slattery
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