
Abel Wolman Award of Excellence

Abel Wolman Award of Excellence


Abel Wolman Award of Excellence


2024 Recipient

Robert C. Cheng, Ph.D., P.E.

Award Criteria

Purpose of the Award:

An award of excellence to recognize those whose careers in the water works industry exemplify vision, creativity, and excellent professional performance characteristic of Abel Wolman’s long and productive career. The recipient of this award shall be exempt from paying membership dues.

Eligibility for the Award

To qualify for the award the nominee must be an individual member or a duly appointed representative of an organization member of the American Water Works Association. To be eligible for consideration the nominee must have established himself/herself in the water works profession through career performance spanning a minimum of 20 years.
The nominee’s work must exemplify vision, creativity, and excellence and must have had recognizable impact on the professionalism of the industry.

The Award

An exquisite sculpture that embodies the essence of accomplishment and serve as a testament to the recipient’s dedication and contributions. Each Abel Wolman award is accompanied by a personalized inscribed nameplate to honor and preserve the recipient’s name and accomplishment.

Frequency of the Award

One award annually or as deserved.

Entry Requirements

AWWA entry form including a color photograph portrait style, a career review, and examples of specific accomplishments. A nomination must be made by a section or the award committee, and it must include letters of endorsement from the following:

  • The chair of the nominee’s AWWA section.
  • Three past Fuller Awardees.
  • A regulatory agency executive.
  • An active water utility manager outside of the nominee’s utility, organization, or firm.
  • A member of a consulting firm.

Nomination Procedure

Submit entry form with required support material. Nominees may remain under consideration for up to three years. Sections will be notified if their nominee has not been selected within that time. If the candidate is not re-nominated, his/her name will be dropped from the list. A candidate may be re-nominated.

Nomination or Submission Deadline

November 1

Award Committee Membership

The committee shall consist of the last five (5) Past Presidents with the most recent Past President serving as chair.  An Association staff member shall serve as secretary to the committee.

Method of Selecting Award Recipient

The award committee shall use its best judgment in selecting a candidate using materials and information submitted with the entry form. If necessary, the committee may solicit additional information, however, such information must be in tangible form. The committee shall report its nominee to the Board of Directors for approval at its winter meeting.

Presentation of the Award

The award will be presented at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition or at another appropriate event.


Award Submissions

Submission Deadline: November 1

For questions reach out to

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Abel Wolman Award Entry Form
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Award Winners

Past Recipients

Congratulations to the past recipients of this prestigious award.

Benjamin Kuhnel


Benjamin Kuhnel

Carl Yates

Atlantic Canada Section

Robert Wubbena

Multiple winners

Andrew Richardson
John Young

Eugene Glysson (deceased)

Michigan Section

Dr. James K. Edzwald

University of Massachusetts

Dr. Michael McGuire

California/Nevada Section

Dr. Gary Logsdon

Michigan Section

Philip Singer

North Carolina Section

Delvin DeBoer

South Dakota Section

Mark LeChevallier

New Jersey Section

Charles (Charlie) O’Melia

Chesapeake Section

No award presented

James A. Craig

OWWA, A Section of AWWA

John M. Gaston

California-Nevada Section

Stephen L. Bishop

NEWWA – A Section of AWWA

James M. Symons

Florida Section

Jerome B. Gilbert

California-Nevada Section

Steven Bonk

OWWA – A Section of AWWA

Frederick H. Elwell

Florida Section

Robert C. Hoehn

Virginia Section

William (Witty) Adkins

South Carolina Section

Dean C. Noll

New Jersey Section

Walter K. Morris

Pennsylvania Section

Richard Miller

Ohio Section

John L. Cleasby

Iowa Section

Warren J. Hunt

Virginia Section

J. Edward Singley

Florida Section

George M. Haskew

New Jersey Section

Kenneth E. Shull

Pennsylvania Section

James V. LaFrankie

New Jersey Section

Daniel A. Okun

North Carolina Section

No award presented

Kenneth J. Miller

Rocky Mountain Section

No award presented

Herbert O. Hartung

Missouri Section

Gordon G. Robeck

California-Nevada Section

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