AWWA's Water Infrastructure Conference to tackle lead pipe replacement, resilience, funding solutions August 22, 2024Press Releases Hundreds of water professionals will converge on Phoenix, Arizona, Sept. 8-11 for the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) 2024 Water Infrastructure Conference (WIC). The conference will bring together experts from across the water sector to explore pressing issues and strategies for sustainable water infrastructure management. The event arrives as the water sector prepares for the implementation of the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions regulation, offering a timely forum for infrastructure professionals to address this critical challenge and explore comprehensive strategies for ensuring resilient and reliable drinking water systems. “AWWA's Water Infrastructure Conference offers an important opportunity for the water community to collaborate and tackle lead service line replacement as regulatory deadlines are approaching this October,” said AWWA CEO David LaFrance. “This event will empower water professionals with the latest information and strategies to ensure the delivery of safe and reliable drinking water to all.” At the conference, attendees will also explore many topical areas that are pivotal to the future of water infrastructure: Lead Service Line Replacement Strategies: Navigating the Oct. 16 deadlines and ensuring compliance. Financing Infrastructure Improvements: Exploring funding mechanisms and strategies for sustainable investment. Fraud Prevention: Safeguarding water infrastructure programs from fraud and ensuring responsible resource allocation. Cybersecurity: Protecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats and ensuring operational resilience. Emergency Response: Preparing for and responding to water-related emergencies effectively. Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI): Understanding the implications of the evolving regulatory landscape. Water Scarcity in Arizona: Addressing the unique challenges facing water management in the region. Investing in Water Utilities: Strategies for long-term financial stability and growth. An exhibit hall featuring dozens of technology providers will showcase industry-leading products essential for securing, maintaining and developing water infrastructure. To register for the conference or learn more about the program, please visit # # # Established in 1881, the American Water Works Association is the largest nonprofit, scientific and educational association dedicated to managing and treating water, the world’s most vital resource. With approximately 50,000 members, AWWA provides solutions to improve public health, protect the environment, strengthen the economy and enhance our quality of life.