Connections Article

AWWA Water Champion – Alyssa MacDonald, City of Hillsboro Water Department, Oregon

January 25, 2024


AWWA Articles

AWWA Water Champion – Alyssa MacDonald, City of Hillsboro Water Department, Oregon

Alyssa MacDonald is a water quality project specialist with the City of Hillsboro Water Department in Oregon. She provides support for data management and analysis, reporting and mapping. She previously worked at technology companies as a geographer and GIS technician. 

Education: Bachelor of Arts, Geography; GIS (Geographic Information System) certificate

AWWA Water Champion Alyssa MacDonaldJob duties: I’m responsible for managing our water quality database, conducting data analysis, creating reports, facilitating our free customer lead test program, troubleshooting customer water quality issues, supporting integration of a new water source, and working to establish a service line inventory for Hillsboro Water’s three public water systems to meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory requirements.

How and why did you get involved in the water sector? My journey to working in water was a meandering one (pun intended) but ultimately led to a rewarding career. I took many environmentally focused courses in college and realized I had an interest in water and natural resource management, and how they relate to human and physical geography. I also have a knack for education and a passion for helping others, so when I stumbled across the listing for my position it felt very aligned with my interests and skill sets.

What led to your focus on drinking water quality? Serendipity! I didn’t know much about water quality until I started working at Hillsboro Water. Now, I can’t imagine doing something else! As a geographer at heart, I find great joy in being a part of monitoring water from the coastal ranges of Western Oregon down to the Tualatin River, through the water treatment plant, and all the way to customers’ taps.

What water quality challenge are you currently most focused on? The EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and subsequently proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements have been my major focus over the past couple of years. While the City of Hillsboro Water Department does not have any known lead service lines, we have worked hard to create, maintain and publish a public water service line inventory map that shows both utility-owned and customer-owned service line materials. This spring we will launch our customer service line self-identification campaign to help fill in data gaps for customer-owned service lines. This complex project has been both an inter- and intra- departmental effort that is gratifying and challenging. I’m helping present about our experiences at upcoming AWWA and water utility conferences. 

What tips would you share with other utilities about creating a lead service line inventory? You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Many utilities have already completed their inventories and shared ideas, templates and resources that will be helpful for water systems just beginning their inventory journey. If you haven’t already, I would urge you to assemble a team and start today. The Oct. 16, 2024, deadline will be here before we know it!
What do you most enjoy about providing water services to your community?
I love the direct benefit that my work provides to the community and local environment. Helping to deliver safe, clean and high-quality water is an honorable charge and one I feel proud to be a part of. Water is essential for almost everything – I couldn’t think of a more rewarding sector to be involved in.
What have you gained from your involvement with AWWA? Community and knowledge. From attending AWWA conferences to listening in on AWWA-hosted webinars, I have been able to grow my personal knowledge about the water sector and also grow my network of friends in the industry. Meeting and creating connections with folks who have worked in water has been motivating and empowering.       

Please describe your hobbies and interests: Outside of work, I enjoy hiking/backpacking with my four-legged adventure pal, Eevee. I also like to cook, knit, pore over old maps and explore new places.

Note: More information about preparing for EPA’s lead regulations are available in AWWA’s Lead Communications Guide and Toolkit, and on AWWA’s Lead Communications and Lead resource pages.
