AWWA COMMENT PERIOD ON AWWA F102, Matched-Die-Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Weir Plates, Scum Baffles, and Mounting Brackets
December 6, 2024
AWWA Articles
AWWA COMMENT PERIOD ON AWWA F102, Matched-Die-Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Weir Plates, Scum Baffles, and Mounting Brackets
AWWA COMMENT PERIOD ON AWWA F102, Matched-Die-Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Weir Plates, Scum Baffles, and Mounting Brackets
AWWA solicits public comments on all proposed new AWWA Standards, and on all proposed revisions, reaffirmations, or withdrawals of existing AWWA Standards. The referenced standards project is being considered for approval and the publication of this notice begins the 45-day public comment period for AWWA and ANSI. An electronic public review copy of the proposed standard can be obtained for review during the comment period by emailing ETS Support ( Comments must be submitted in writing to the AWWA contact listed below no later than the last day of the comment period specified herein. Such comments shall be specific to the section(s) of the standard under review and include sufficient detail, so as to enable the reader to understand the commenter’s position, concerns and suggested alternative language, if appropriate.
AWWA Comment Period closes on January 13, 2025.
Send comments to:
Amanda Dail,
303.734.3466 phone
The review copy will be edited for publication and may also be revised as appropriate based on any comments received during the public comment period. Therefore, this copy is not suitable for continued utilization and is intended only for comment purposes.
Final publication of the standard may take several months. When it is available, a notice will be published in the official notice section of Journal – American Water Works Association. The standard becomes an effective AWWA standard on the first day of the month following such publication in Journal – American Water Works Association.
This standard describes the minimum requirements for fiberglass-reinforced plastic weir plates, scum baffles, mounting brackets, lap plates, cover washers, and weir pans, fabricated with the matched-die molding process. Included are requirements for design, construction, dimensions, tolerances, physical properties, work quality, appearance, and installation. This standard contains the requirements for using general-purpose and chemical-resistant resins. These fabrications are generally used in municipal water supply service and industrial water supply service applications.
Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Clarified Purchaser Options and Alternatives to include the conditions under which the inspection is to be carried out and whether specific test equipment and testing assistance is required (Foreword III.A., Item 20).
- Added potential repair option in cases of nonconformance (Foreword III.A., Item 21).
- Removed clause to specify inspection conditions and replaced with a reference to the purchaser’s documents (5.3.1).
- Revised Access to work section to refer to the purchaser’s documents for agreements on access and assistance with test equipment (5.3.2).
- Added other potential nonconformance resolutions besides replacement. Deleted affidavit of compliance from the nonconformance section since it covered in Sec. 6.3 (Sec. 5.4).
- Removed manufacturer or supplier as provider of Affidavit of Compliance because an affidavit may be requested from a party other than the manufacturer (Sec. 6.3).