Standard Notices

AWWA COMMENT PERIOD ON AWWA C210 – Liquid-Epoxy Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipe and Fittings

November 30, 2023


AWWA Articles

AWWA COMMENT PERIOD ON AWWA C210 – Liquid-Epoxy Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipe and Fittings

AWWA COMMENT PERIOD ON AWWA C210 – Liquid-Epoxy Coatings and Linings for Steel Water Pipe and Fittings
Nov. 24, 2023

AWWA solicits public comments on all proposed new AWWA Standards, and on all proposed revisions, reaffirmations, or withdrawals of existing AWWA Standards. The referenced standards project is being considered for approval and the publication of this notice begins the 45-day public comment period for AWWA and ANSI. An electronic public review copy of the proposed standard can be obtained for review during the comment period by emailing ETS Support. Comments must be submitted in writing to the AWWA contact listed below no later than the last day of the comment period specified herein. Such comments shall be specific to the section(s) of the standard under review and include sufficient detail so as to enable the reader to understand the commenter’s position, concerns and suggested alternative language, if appropriate.

AWWA Comment Period closes on Jan. 8, 2024.

Send comments to:
Liz Ralph
303.347.6177 phone

The review copy will be edited for publication and may also be revised as appropriate based on any comments received during the public comment period. Therefore, this copy is not suitable for continued utilization and is intended only for comment purposes.

Final publication of the standard may take several months. When it is available, a notice will be published in the official notice section of Journal – American Water Works Association. The standard becomes an effective AWWA standard on the first day of the month following such publication in Journal – American Water Works Association

This standard describes the material and application of shop-applied and field-applied liquid-epoxy coatings and linings used in the water-supply industry for steel water pipe, special sections, welded joints, connections, and fittings installed underground or underwater, under normal construction conditions.

Major changes made to the standard in this revision include the following:
1. Updated Sec. I.C. Acceptance in the Foreword with the latest Standards Council language reflecting the addition of reference to NSF/ANSI/CAN 372 and NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.
2. Added Section 1.1.4 to cover the use of this standard for substrates other than carbon steel.
3. Sec. 2 References was updated.
4. The definitions for applicator and wastewater were added to Sec. 3 Definitions.
5. Sec. 4.2.1 Materials was updated with the latest Standards Council boilerplate language and language as added for wastewater applications to state that additional requirements may be needed due to the more severe environment.
6. Sec. 4.2.2 Certification was updated to include a reference to NSF/ANSI/CAN 600.
7. A new Sec. 4.2.4 Personnel was added for consistency with other standards.
8. Sec. 4.4 Surface Preparation and Sec. 4.6 Coating or Lining Fittings were updated with standardized wording and headings where applicable.
9. Added language to Sec. 4.5.4 Pipe ends for nonwelded field joints, for considerations when using a gasketed joint.
10. Added language to Sec. 4.5.7 Epoxy thickness, for potable water considerations. A reference to Sec. 4.5.7 was also added to Table 2 under maximum dry film thickness.
11. Updated Sec. 4.6.4 Application to threaded connections, to allow for thread coatings other than epoxy.
12. Sec. 4.9 Field Procedures was revised to be consistent with other steel pipe coating and linings standards and to not duplicate information provided in AWWA C604.
13. Sec. 5.2.2 Cathodic Disbondment was revised to include a minimum dry film thickness for specimens.
14. In Table 1 adhesion testing was added for prequalification testing and a new Sec. 5.2.4. Adhesions was added to describe the test method.
15. In Table 1 the dielectric strength for prequalification testing was increased from 250 V/mil to 400 V/mil.
16. Water absorption was added to the prequalification requirements with a new Sec. 5.2.5 and a requirement added to Table 1.
17. Water vapor transmission was added to the prequalification requirements with a new Sec. 5.2.6 and a requirement added to Table 1.
18. In Table 2 the minimum adhesion for quality control testing was increased from 800 to 1000 psi.
19. Added language to Section 5.3 to make it clear that it is referencing the QC tests in Sec. 5.5 Quality Control Requirements of Applied Epoxy System.
20. In Sec. 5.5.2 Epoxy Appearance, language was added to differentiate cosmetic imperfections from defects.
21. Sec. 5.5.4 Dry film thickness was revised and testing was modified to SSPC-PA 2 Level 2 to reflect the language that was approved in the Dec. 2020 addendum.
22. Sec. 5.5.5 Electrical continuity inspection was modified and the reference to SP0188 replaced with SP0274.
23. Sec. 5.5.6 Adhesion to steel, was rewritten and updated to reference ASTM D4541 Protocol 2 and Type IV or V automatic instruments.
24. Sec. Frequency of testing was revised and expanded on.
25. Sec. 6.2.1 Packaging and Sec. 6.2.2 Shipping, Handling, and Storage were updated to be consistent with the language used in other steel pipe coating and lining standards.
26. Sec. 6.3 was modified to include affidavits from both the manufacturer and the applicator.

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