AWWA Comment Period on 10 Meter Standards (ANSI/AWWA C700, C710, C701, C702, C703, C704, C708, C712, C713, and C714)
August 27, 2024

AWWA Articles
AWWA Comment Period on 10 Meter Standards (ANSI/AWWA C700, C710, C701, C702, C703, C704, C708, C712, C713, and C714)
AWWA Comment Period on 10 Meter Standards (ANSI/AWWA C700, C710, C701, C702, C703, C704, C708, C712, C713, and C714)
August 26, 2024
AWWA solicits public comments on all proposed new AWWA Standards, and on all proposed revisions, reaffirmations, or withdrawals of existing AWWA Standards. The referenced standards projects are being considered for approval and the publication of this notice begins the 45-day public comment period for AWWA and ANSI. An electronic public review copy of the proposed standards can be obtained for review during the comment period by emailing ETS Support ( Comments must be submitted in writing to the AWWA contact listed below no later than the last day of the comment period specified herein. Such comments shall be specific to the section(s) of the standard under review and include sufficient detail so as to enable the reader to understand the commenter’s position, concerns and suggested alternative language, if appropriate.
AWWA Comment Period closes on October 14, 2024.
Send comments to:
Frank Kurtz,
303.347.6221 phone
The review copies will be edited for publication and may also be revised as appropriate based on any comments received during the public comment period. Therefore, these copies are not suitable for continued utilization and intended only for comment purposes.
Final publication of the standards may take several months. When they are available, a notice will be published in the official notice section of Journal – American Water Works Association. The standard becomes an effective AWWA standard on the first day of the month following such publication in Journal – American Water Works Association.
ANSI/AWWA C700 – Cold-Water Meters – Displacement Type, Metal Alloy Main Case
This standard describes the various types and classes of cold-water displacement meters with metal alloy main cases, in sizes ˝ in. (13 mm) through 2 in. (50 mm), and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. The displacement meters described, known as nutating-disc or oscillating-piston meters, are positive in action because the pistons and discs displace or carry over a fixed quantity of water for each nutation or oscillation when operated under positive pressure.
Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Information and criteria for mechanical display-type register test hands have been updated (Sec.
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. B.8.3). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C710 – Cold-Water Meters — Displacement Type, Plastic Main Case
This standard describes the various types and classes of cold-water displacement meters with plastic main cases, in sizes ˝ in. (13 mm) through 1 in. (25 mm), for water utility customer service, and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. The displacement meters described, known as nutating-disc or oscillating-piston meters, are positive in action because the pistons and discs displace or carry over a fixed quantity of water for each nutation or oscillation when operated under positive pressure.
Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- A column on “Maximum Number of Disc Nutations or Piston Oscillations per” has been added to Table 1 (Sec. 4.2).
- Information and criteria for mechanical display-type register test hands have been updated (Sec.
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. B.8.3). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C701 – Cold-Water Meters— Turbine Type, for Customer Service
This standard describes the various classes of cold-water turbine meters in sizes ľ in. (20 mm) through 20 in. (500 mm) for water supply customer service, mainline metering, and custody transfer of water among purveyors, and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. The turbine meters described in this standard are divided into class I and class II meters. Both classes of meters register by recording the revolutions of a turbine set in motion by the force of flowing water striking its blades.
The major revisions to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Information and criteria for mechanical display-type registers have been updated (Sec. 4.3.5).
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.8.3). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C702 – Cold-Water Meters— Compound Type
This standard describes the various types and classes of cold-water compound-type meters in sizes 2 in. (50 mm) through 8 in. (200 mm), and the materials and workmanship used in their fabrication. Compound meters shall consist of a combination of a turbine-type mainline meter for measuring high rates of flow and a bypass meter of an appropriate size for measuring low rates of flow. The compound meter shall have an automatic valve mechanism for diverting low rates of flow through the bypass meter.
The major revisions to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Information and criteria for mechanical display-type registers have been updated (Sec. 4.3.6).
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.8). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C703 – Cold-Water Meters— Fire-Service Type
This standard describes the various types and classes of cold-water fire-service–type meters in sizes 3 in. (80 mm)* through 10 in. (250 mm), and the materials and workmanship used in their fabrication.
The major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Information and criteria for mechanical display-type registers have been updated (Sec. 4.3.5).
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.8.1). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C704 – Propeller-Type Meters for Waterworks Applications
This standard describes the various types and classes of propeller meters in sizes 2 in. (50 mm) through 72 in. (1,800 mm) for waterworks applications. These meters register by recording the revolutions of a propeller set in motion by the force of flowing water striking the blades.
The major revisions to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Information and criteria for registers test hands have been updated (Sec. 4.3.4).
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.8). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C708 – Cold-Water Meters— Multijet Type
This standard describes cold-water multijet meters in sizes 5/8 in. (15 mm) through 2 in. (50 mm) for water utilities’ customer service and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. These meters register by recording the revolutions of a rotor set in motion by the force of flowing water striking the blades.
The major revisions to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Guidance on testing multijet meters has been modified (Sec. A.2.4 and Sec. A.3).
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.7.3). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C712 – Cold-Water Meters— Singlejet Type
This standard describes the various types and classes of cold-water singlejet meters in sizes 5/8 in. (15 mm) through 6 in. (150 mm) for water utilities’ customer service and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. These meters register by recording the revolutions of a rotor powered by the force of flowing water striking its blades.
The major revisions to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Information and criteria for registers have been updated (Sec. 4.3.6).
- Guidance on testing singlejet meters has been modified (Sec. A.2.4 and Sec. A.3).
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.7.3 and Sec. A.7.4). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C713 – Cold-Water Meters— Fluidic-Oscillator Type
This standard describes cold-water fluidic-oscillator meters with brass main cases in sizes ½ in. (13 mm)* through 2 in. (50 mm), and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication. The basis for volume measurement is a transducer element that senses and utilizes fluidic oscillation rather than a moving measurement element, as required in traditional cold-water volumetric meters.
The major revisions to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Material references to ASTM standards have been updated throughout the standard.
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.8.3 and Sec. A.8.4). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.
ANSI/AWWA C714 – Cold-Water Meters for Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes
This standard describes cold-water meters used for residential fire sprinkler applications that meet the requirements of NFPA* 13D in one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured homes, in sizes ¾ in. (20 mm) through 2 in. (50 mm), and the materials and workmanship employed in their fabrication.
Major revisions made to the standard in this edition include the following:
- Updated information on the USEPA Lead and Copper Rule and regulatory status of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, in drinking water has been added to Foreword Sec. I.C Acceptance.
- Information on meter installation methods has been modified (Sec. A.8.3 and Sec. A.8.4). Meter installation methods are covered in more detail in AWWA Manual M6.