Authoring & Permissions
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Authoring & Permissions
Opportunities to Showcase Your Work

Showcase Your Research in AWWA Water Science
AWWA Water Science publishes original, peer-reviewed research on the science, engineering, and social aspects of water, bridging the gap between theory and practice for safe, sustainable water.
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Contribute to Journal AWWA with a Feature or Column
Journal AWWA is the voice of the American Water Works Association and serves as a forum for thought leaders in the water and wastewater industry to learn about critical issues affecting water.
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Present Your Operational Ideas in Opflow
Opflow is an award-winning magazine that presents new and established technologies and ideas that readers can apply to their operations.
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Turn Your Ideas Into a Published Book
AWWA publishes books on new ideas, stories, and information that further the water industry and offer a new perspective.
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Present at an AWWA Conference or Event

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AWWA Water Science, Journal AWWA, Opflow Materials
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- Reprinted with permission, Journal AWWA (Vol 97, No. 6). Copyright © AWWA 2005. All rights reserved.
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