
Advertising & Marketing Opportunities
AWWA’s more than 50,000 members represent a uniquely valuable opportunity for companies that provide products and services to the water sector.
We have a strong relationship with executives, managers, engineers, consultants, operators, and other water professionals at more than 4,500 utilities — including nearly every water utility with more than 500,000 customers. Collectively, our members provide more than 80% of all US drinking water and treat almost half of US wastewater.
We work with leading water-sector product and service providers to create custom marketing plans that:
- Build brand awareness
- Deliver your ads to a qualified audience with buying influence
- Create client connections and strengthen engagement
- Increase influence across the sector
- Educate our audience with your products, services, and expertise
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For questions please contact your Sales Team.

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Donna Walstrom
Sales Manager
Companies Starting with 0-9 and A-I
Mobile: 720.829.7851

Policies & Uniform Guidelines
Ordering & Policies
For other than first-time advertisers, if display advertising materials are not provided by the Materials Deadline, (outlined in the media kit), AWWA retains the right to repeat an ad from the most recent issue in its place.
If digital ad banners are not submitted prior to the contract start date, impressions could be forfeit and AWWA retains the right to cancel the order.
If all website ad banner sizes and materials are not submitted prior to the contract start date, impressions could be forfeit.
Digital ads will link to company homepage unless otherwise specified.
Agency discounts on gross billing are offered to recognized agencies, unless otherwise stated.
Agency discounts will be revoked retroactively on unpaid balances 60 days after billing date.
Any advertising (other than cover-position display advertising) that is cancelled after the Materials Deadline for an issue will be charged the full 100% ordered ad/insertion price, which will be nonrefundable.
Any advertising (other than cover-position display advertising) that is cancelled less than 90 days prior to, but not after, the Materials Deadline will be charged 50% of the ordered ad/insertion price.
Any advertising (other than cover-position display advertising) that is cancelled more than 90 days prior to the Materials Deadline will be charged 25% of the ordered ad/insertion price.
In the case of any cancelled cover-position display advertising, the advertiser and/or its advertising agency will be responsible for 100% of the ordered ad/insertion price unless and until the cover placement ad space is resold for the same price.
In addition to the aforementioned applicable charges and conditions, advertisers who order a series of advertising but who do not complete insertion of the full number and size of originally ordered series of advertising within 12 months from the date of their first insertion will incur short-rated fees, namely, that advertising run during such 12-month period will be re-billed to the advertiser at a higher per insertion rate without the previously offered volume discounts.
All payments are due within 30 days from the invoice date and will incur a 10% late fee if not timely paid. Payments not made in full within 60 days after invoice date will furthermore subject advertiser and/or its advertising agency to joint and several liability for such payments and the advertiser and its advertising agency will no longer be considered in “good standing” and will be required to pay for all future advertising in full at the time of insertion order.
AWWA reserves the right to reject any advertising not in keeping with AWWA publication standards, which will not relieve advertiser from its payment obligations above. All print and digital content is subject to AWWA approval.
Uniform Guidelines for Advertisements with the American Water Works Association (AWWA)
A. Purpose
The following guidelines govern advertising in all publications, venues, events, classifieds and communication media of the American Water Works Association (“AWWA”), including without limitation print and electronic publications, websites, circulars, pamphlets, articles, emails, and mobile applications (collectively, “AWWA Advertising”).
“Advertising” and “advertisements” include website banners, contextual advertising, sponsored content, and advertising by for-profit and nonprofit entities. “Advertorial” is advertisement giving information and promoting a product, service or company but resembling an editorial or journalistic article
B. Absolute Discretion
AWWA at all times maintains absolute and sole discretion with respect to interpretation and enforcement of these guidelines, and all other issues related to AWWA Advertising. AWWA may change these guidelines at any time in its sole discretion by posting revised guidelines.
AWWA’s acceptance of any advertisement shall in no event constitute an endorsement of the product(s) and/or service(s) advertised or of the entity that advertises, manufactures, distributes, or promotes the products or services.
C. Uniform Guidelines
1. All advertising submitted to AWWA is subject to AWWA’s review and approval, in AWWA’s absolute and sole discretion. AWWA’s acceptance of an advertising does not guarantee or entitle the advertiser to circulation of the same advertising in the future. No person or entity has the right to advertise in any AWWA Publication.
2. All advertising must meet or exceed AWWA’s standards of quality and ethics, and be consistent with AWWA’s public mission, as determined in AWWA’s sole discretion.
3. AWWA may reject any advertisement for any and for no reason. The following are non-exhaustive examples of advertisement that should not be submitted to AWWA, and are likely to be rejected by AWWA, even if factually accurate:
- Advertising containing factually inaccurate or incomplete statements, data or statistics, false or exaggerated claims, or embellished content;
- Advertising that is fraudulent, deceptive, misleading, including by omission of information, disparaging or unfair about the advertiser’s or any other party’s products or services;
- Advertising that offends, ridicules, discriminates (whether by inclusion or exclusion), disparages, attacks, harasses or makes generalizations about any individual, group of individuals, or organization on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, physical appearance, or any other classification or status deemed inappropriate by AWWA;
- Advertising containing material that is morally offensive, illicit, or not family-friendly;
- Advertising that misuses, infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property rights of any other party, or promotes or offers counterfeit products or services;
- Advertising for alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, weapons, firearms, ammunition, fireworks, explosives, gambling, gaming, pornography or adult-oriented themes, recreational drugs or related equipment or paraphernalia, instructions for the manufacture, use or concealment of any of the foregoing, or for any product or service that is inherently dangerous or objectionable;
- Advertising for products or services to engage in or conceal engaging in dishonest or illegal activities;
- Advertising to solicit plaintiffs for class action or similar lawsuits, or announcing intent to litigate or pending litigation;
- Advertising that compares the advertisers products or services to the products or services of another identified party in a disrespectful or degrading manner;
- Advertising of a political nature;
- Advertising that is not related to or relevant to AWWA’s mission or the AWWA Publications;
- Advertising that violates any other governing law, regulation or ordinance.
4. All advertorials must additionally comply with the following:
- The word “Advertisement” must appear in boldface type (minimum 12 pt font size) at the top and center of each page of the advertorial
- The design, layout and content of the advertorial must be readily and clearly distinguishable from other editorial content.
- The advertiser’s company logo must appear prominently on each page.
- Advertorial may not exceed two pages.
D. Submission and Review
1. All advertisements submitted to AWWA will be subject to AWWA’s review and approval.
2. AWWA has the right, but not the obligation, to approve, refuse, make further inquiries or require modifications to any advertisement submitted to AWWA.
3. AWWA review of advertisement or requirement for modifications does not constitute AWWA’s endorsement of either the advertiser, the products or services advertised, or the factual accuracy or general propriety of the advertisement.
4. AWWA reserves the right to discontinue publication of previously accepted advertisement at any time if it becomes aware of any conflict or violation of these guidelines. Such discontinuation does not relieve the advertiser of its obligation to pay for the advertising or entitle it to any refund.
5. AWWA is not responsible or liable to any party for accepting or publishing advertising that does not meet the requirements of this guideline, it being understood that AWWA has the right, but not the obligation, to proactively monitor, research, or enforce compliance with these guidelines.
6. AWWA has the right, but not the obligation, to inspect and monitor the websites or advertisers or to which and advertisement hyperlinks. AWWA may reject or discontinue publication of an accepted advertisement if AWWA objects for any reason to the website hyperlinked in an advertisement run in an AWWA Publication.
7. If AWWA is notified of an objection to an advertisement, it will review the allegations and its determination of whether to accept or delete the subject advertisement is final and binding on the advertiser and the objecting party.